
时间:2022-03-25 00:09:22 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


In Chinese, niangao sounds like "getting higher year by year". In Chinese people's mind, the higher you are the more prosperous your business is. The main ingredients of niangao are sticky rice, sugar, chestnuts, Chinese dates, and lotus leaves. The Symbolism of Niangao The pronunciation of niangao sounds like 'year high' (年高), which symbolizes a higher income, a higher position, the growth of children, and generally the promise of a better year. Niangao was originally used as an offering in ritual ceremonies before it gradually became a Spring Festival food.

年糕在中文的发音里意味着年年高升。因此中国人总认为,如果一个人官位升的越高,其财富就越多。通常制作年糕的材料有大米,糖,栗子,红枣,还有荷叶。鉴于其谐音寓意年年高升,所以象征在来年着更多的收入,更高的职位,孩子成长得更快。由于年糕最早出现是作为宗教仪式上的贡品,其后逐渐才演变成春节的一款食物。 春节美食初中英语作文及翻译篇2

Chinese New Year tradition calls for people to pay visits to family and friends. When visiting relatives, its customary for the host to offer guests tea, along with a round or octagonal tray filled with a variety of treats, from nuts to sweets. This is known as chyuhn haap, or the Tray of Togetherness, representing peace and harmony. By the way, eight is a considered to be a lucky number because the Chinese word for eight sounds like fortune.


Traditionally, the tray is made of wood, with eight interior dishes of porcelain, but nowadays many people opt for plastic. Inside, each compartment is filled with a special symbolic food. 传统的全盒是木质的,里面有八个瓷盘,但现在很多人选择用塑料的制成的全盒。在全盒里面,每个小格都装有特别的有象征意义的食物。


Chinese don't eat dumplings with Chinese sauerkraut at


Spring Festival, because it implies a poor and difficult future. On New Year's Eve it is a tradition to eat dumplings with cabbage and radish, implying that one's skin will become fair and one's mood will become gentle.

中国人在春节吃饺子的时候不和泡菜一同食用,因为有种说法是同食会使今后的生活变得艰辛不易。除夕夜吃饺子时通常还会上有一些白菜和红萝卜。因为这两种食材能够代表皮肤的光滑和心情的愉悦。 When making dumplings there should be a good number of pleats. If you make the junction too flat, it is thought to purport poverty. Some Chinese put a white thread inside a dumpling, and the one who eats that dumpling is supposed to possess longevity. Sometimes a copper coin is put in a dumpling, and the one who eats it is supposed to become wealthy. Dumplings should be arranged in lines instead of circles, because circles of dumplings are supposed to mean one's life will go round in circles, never going anywhere.


