关于节日的英语作文范文带翻译450字 关于节日的英语作文范文带翻译450字 今年十月一日是国庆五十五周年,整个城市充满了节日气氛。 October 1 this year marks the 55th anniversary of the National Day. The whole city is full of festive atmosphere. 我来到熙熙攘攘的东街口,东街口热闹极了! I came to the bustling East Street, the East Street is very lively! 在大街上,到处都能看到高挂的大红灯笼、一条条火红的横幅。在天桥上,游客特别多,有的是一家子来游玩,有的是外地人来福州过国庆节,有的是单身走在人群中…… In the street, you can see high red lanterns and red banners everywhere. On the overpass, there are many tourists, some of them come to visit, some of them come to Fuzhou to celebrate the National Day, and some of them walk alone in the crowd. 在各个商场门口,也是异常火爆,有的在向客人推荐产品,有的在拍手拉客人…… At the entrance of each shopping mall, it is also very popular, some are recommending products to customers, some are clapping hands to hold customers... 在鼓山风景区就更加热闹了。许多游客用旅游这个方法来庆祝节日,还有许多游客在奋力的向山顶冲去,有的游客一路走,一路欣赏美丽的风景……在鼓山顶上,那里有许多风味小吃,许多客人都在那里吃午饭,还有些游客则吃着自己带来的食品。 Gushan Scenic Spot is more lively. Many tourists celebrate the festival by traveling. Many tourists are rushing to the top of the mountain. Some tourists go all the way to enjoy the beautiful scenery. On the top of Gushan Mountain,www.zuowenla.cn there are many delicious snacks, many guests have lunch there, and some tourists eat the food they bring. 西湖夜景更加迷人。大门口,一盆盆鲜花在柔和的灯光照射下显的更加娇艳。那些霓虹灯的影子隐隐约约地倒映在波光粼粼的湖水里,五光十色的水纹,妩媚极了。 The night view of West Lake is more charming. At the entrance of the gate, a basin of flowers is more delicate under the soft light. The shadows of the neon lights are faintly reflected in the sparkling water of the lake. The colorful water patterns are very charming. 国庆节期间,当人们尽情的玩耍时候,还有些人在自己的工作岗位上默默的工作着。交通警察在维护着交通安全,给大家带来一个祥和的节日;医生坚守自己的岗位,为病人解除痛苦;清洁工人仍旧打扫卫生,能城市更加干净;建筑工人依然工作着,让城市更加繁华;司机继续工作,给大家带来大的方便…… During the National Day, when people enjoy playing, there are still some people working silently in their jobs. Traffic policemen are maintaining traffic safety and bringing us a peaceful festival; doctors stick to their posts to relieve the pain of patients; cleaners are still cleaning the city to be cleaner; construction workers are still working to make the city more prosperous; drivers continue to work, bringing great convenience to everyone... 这个国庆节,真是个祥和温馨的国庆节。 This National Day is really a peaceful and warm National Day. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/6d8c6de200d276a20029bd64783e0912a3167c73.html