ROE ROC 主讲:Jacky 整理:Alice 今日主题 Corporate Finance 3 (高级) ROE的缺点以及Solution:ROC ROC的例子:A公司(investment rate 25%)和B公司 (investment rate 50%)的估值区别 资本结构和资产负债表的扩张和收缩 FCFF(如果有时间的话)free cashflow for the firm 一、ROE的缺点以及Solution:ROC 1、什么是ROE(return on equity)回顾之前workshop内容 即净资产收益率 ROE=earning/equity=asset/equity * sales/asset * earning/sales 其中: asset/equity 为财务杠杆 Asset 1000 Liability 900 Equity 100 收益为10%,那么利润为1100,净利润为100,增长100%。 sales/asset 为资产周转率 earning/sales 为净利润。与产品相关,耐用品净利润相对来说高。 以上三项越高ROE越高 2、ROE缺点 公司A Asset 100 公司B Asset 100 Liability20 Equity 80 Liability80 Equity 20 公司A,公司B在相同的ROE情况下,盈利时,公司A,由于有更多的负债表现更加出色,而在亏损时,其高负债可能拖累表现。所以ROE相同并非能完全体现出公司的状况。 引出一个公式 ROE=ROA* assets/equity 其中ROA等于ROE=earning/equity=asset/equity * sales/asset * earning/sales公式中的sales/asset*earning/sales,即ROA=sales/asset*earning/sales ROA定义:(return on asset资产收益率)An indicator of how profitable a company is relative to its total assets. ROA gives an idea as to how efficient management is at using its assets to generate earnings. Calculated by dividing a company's annual earnings by its total assets, ROA is displayed as a percentage. Sometimes this is referred to as "return on investment". Formula: net income(earning)/total assets 该指标越高,表明企业资产利用效果越好,说明企业在增加收入和节约资金使用等方面取得了良好的效果,否则相反。 资产收益率与股东权益收益率的关系与区别 股东权益收益率(ROE)是以每股税后收益除以每股的股东权益帐面价值; 而资产收益率(ROA)是公司总的税后收益(加利息)与公司的总资产的比率. 股东权益收益率与资产收益率之间关系是: 股东权益收益率(ROE)=资产收益率(ROA)×杠杆比率(assets/equity) 其中:杠杆比率是公司的总资产与公司总的股东权益帐面价值的比率(Leverage Ratio,简称为L,即assets/equity) 3、 Solution ROIC定义:资本回报率(Return on Invested Capital)是指投出和/或使用资金与相关回报(回报通常表现为获取的利息和/或分得利润)之比例。用于衡量投出资金的使用效果。英文解释 A calculation used to assess a company's efficiency at allocating the capital under its control to profitable investments. The return on invested capital measure gives a sense of how well a company is using its money to generate returns. Comparing a company's return on capital (ROIC) with its cost of capital (WACC) reveals whether invested capital was used effectively. Equation: Net income-dividends/total capital ROIC=net operating profit after tax/book value of equity+ book value of debt- cash 分母=invested capital 其中BV of debt 有息负债 分子net operating profit after tax包括利息。 Account payable 属于无息负债,由于是欠别人款项,占用别人现金流,因此不计入Invested capital 4、capex=capital expenditures资本支出是指会计上视为固定资产增值的所有经费支出,如房屋、机器设备的购置费,为延长设备使用年限或提高设备性能而支出的所有费用等均是。 Capex计入CFI CFI (cash flow for investment)投资为一年以上的现金流。 对于扩张型企业capex是不断增长的 g= ROE*RR (return rate/b) 因为return rate在0到1之间,所以g在0到ROE之间。 二、ROC的例子:A公司(investment rate 25%)和B公司 (investment rate 50%)的估值区别 ROIC=growth /IR 假设两公司增长均为5% A公司 ROIC=5%/25%=20% 本文来源: