
时间:2022-04-21 06:16:39 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

注释:《泊秦淮》唐,杜牧 烟笼寒水月笼沙 夜泊秦淮近酒家 商女不知亡国恨 隔江犹唱后庭花

烟霭笼罩着清冷江水,月光洒满滩头, 夜晚泊船在秦淮河畔,左近都是酒楼。 商女全然不懂国破家亡的深切痛苦, 隔着江水仍然能听到在唱后庭遗曲。 Anchoring on Qinhuai River by Du Mu of Tang Dynasty

Mists and clouds cover the cold river water and moonlight on beachhead, Anchoring by Qinhuai River at night surrounding with wine shops.

The singing girls (comes from the poetry of Tang Dynasty) don’t know the agony of the lost home,

Still singing the song of “Backyard Flower”(decadent music that presaging the fallen state ) beyond the river


人死总会死和历史上留下好名声这两个小句是什么关系? History, annals, annals of history


Since ancient times, in front of the national interest, Chinese people also prefer justice to life. The national hero, Wen Tianxiang wrote the verse that passed down for generations of since death is unavoidable to everyone throughout history, what one should strive for is a loyal heart, gloriously recorded in the historic books.

交际意义释意传达 发言人的意思是说“山上有仙很重要”还是举例职位证明“山高不高并不重要” CaPe Verde




And I also visited a country with a very small size of population called Cape Verde in Africa. The leader of that country gave me tremendous warmth and politeness. They kept telling me that "our country is very small." Despite their modest attitude, I told them sincerely that as an old saying goes in China: "a mountain, no matter how high it is, if a divine live there, it will be well-known; a country, no matter how big it is, if it can uphold peace and justice in the world, it will be a good country. (Li: what matters with a mountain is not its height; what matters with a country is not its size) (我查到的,自己改了一下)




Everything in the world is constantly changing, just as there are no eternal luck and no luck forever. There is an old saying goes in China safety and danger will change, and disaster is concomitant with blessing.

能保证对名句的翻译是官方的标准译本吗?还是只是自己的阐释。 To the effect that, the general idea is


As an old saying in China, on festivals more than ever one thinks of one's dear far away. All the diplomatic envoys, representatives and your wives may be far away from your home. But you come here for friendship and cooperation. You will find China your another warm home, where you will be feel the goodwill and sincerity of the Chinese people.

