幼儿园英语早教:father finger

时间:2022-03-22 01:08:26 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

幼儿园中班英语教案:father finger


1、愿意随着歌曲的旋律,按歌词大意进行游戏 2、在教师的带领下能完整的进行手指游戏 3、学习单词father finger的发音 活动准备: 狐狸头饰一只 活动过程:

1、玩游戏where are you 复习句型 I am here

t:we played the game where are you ,do you want to play it again c:yes

t:ok !let’s play it together. 2、引导幼儿初步学习单词father finger

t:look at my hand how many fingers?let’s count .one finger twofinger……this’s father finger father finger 3、玩游戏

t:now let’s play“yes or no”father finger ?yes or no yes


t:today I’llread an interesting rhyme for you first listen to me carefully ,father finger… 4、演唱歌曲并和幼儿一起做动作

ok this time let’s try together。幼儿跟唱 6、戴上头饰带幼儿玩游戏“fox fox where are you
