但是用英语怎么说 但是通常用在后半句,表示转折的语气。那么你知道但是用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 但是英语说法1: but 但是英语说法2: however 但是英语说法3: yet 但是的英语例句: 我想把机器修理好,但是失败了。 I tried to fix the equipment but I failed. 这个儿子没有参与葬礼的安排,但是来向遗体告别了。 The son had nothing to do with arranging the funeral, but came along to pay his last respects. 但是,女权主义者当中存在着不满情绪。 There is, however, unease in feminist circles. 他们探索过各种途径,但是没有找到解决的办法。 They exploded every avenue but could not find a solution. 那把椅子原本是为你准备的,但是被她拿走了。 The chair was intended for you, but she took it away. 我喜欢他的写作风格,但是不喜欢他的内容。 I like the style of his writing but I don t like the content. 向导离他们而去,但是他们毫不气馁,仍向森林进发。 Their guide deserted them, but, nothing daunted, they pressed on into the jungle. 商业信函必须是正式的,但是写信给朋友应写得自然一些。 Business letters must always be formal, but we should write in a natural way to friends. 更何况预报的日食时间我正在公交车上,根本没可能。但是,但是!! We will be measuring the temperature falloff that results from the eclipse. 但是对于某些人但是想象这一幕就会肾上腺素激增。 But for some people merely imagining this scene creates an adrenaline surge. 这绝称不上是详尽无遗的清单,但是列出了很多正在进行的项目。 This is by no means an exhaustive list but it gives an indication of the many projects taking place. 他很自私,但是并非无情。 He was self-centred, but he wasn t cruel. 我在英格兰不认识什么人,但是我相信自己一旦站稳脚跟就可以独当一面。 I don t know anyone in England but I am sure I will manage when I find my feet. 你能10点半来吗?我知道你不方便,但是我必须见你。 Can you come at 10.30? I know it s inconvenient for you, but I must see you. 这听起来可能像是异想天开,但是绝对不是什么性体验。 It might sound like some kind of wild fantasy, but it wasn t an erotic experience at all. 托什是出了名的天不怕地不怕,但是他明显被他的女朋友驯服帖了。 Tosh was known to be a man who feared no-one, yet he was clearly emasculated by his girlfriend. 虽然我很快便让他相信我是清白的,但是我想他仍然非常怀疑我是否神志正常。 Although I soon convinced him of my innocence, I think he still has serious doubts about my sanity. 在影片摄制期间,导演想拍摄一个暴乱场面,但是被禁止了。 During the film s production, the director wanted to shoot a riot scene but the filming was blocked. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/473ac3b828f90242a8956bec0975f46527d3a79b.html