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卫生英语说法1 health

卫生英语说法2 sanitation 卫生英语说法3 hygiene 卫生英语例句:


The health authorities are investigating the matter. 这个餐馆有公共卫生部门官员定期前来检查。 The restaurant is visited regularly by public health officers. 住在那个城市的人们能保持公共卫生的清洁。 The people lived in that city can keep sanitation clean. 卫生监督意指对公共卫生的监察和督促。

Sanitary supervision is the inspection and surveillance over public health.


Assist the health officer checked daily eye exercises and personal hygiene.

一定要买经过严格消毒的卫生纸才安全卫生。 Only sterilized sanitary towels are safe to use. 初级卫生保健是卫生服务的重点内容;

The primary heath care is the pivot of health service. 以初级卫生保健为基础,促进加强卫生系统。

Contribute to health system strengthening based on primary health care.

环境卫生差和个人卫生习惯不良也容易导致发病。 Poor sanitation and poor hygiene habits can easily lead to disease.


Many diseases proceed from negligence of hygiene. 从卫生角度来看,这个地段非常糟糕。

The location is exceptionally poor, viewed from the sanitation point.

该国卫生机构已指定一名检查员监测各疗养院的情况。 The country health agency has dedicated one inspector to monitorconditions in nursing homes.

我们把资金从军费开支转到卫生和教育事业上来。 We diverted funds from armaments to health and education. 我们有清洁饮用水和卫生规划。

We have programs for clean water and sanitation.
