精品文档 机遇与挑战 Opportunities and challenges 人生路上,我们会有很多次机遇,抓住机遇,你就会成功。问题是,我们绝大部分的人总是与机遇擦身而过,或者机遇面前有心动无行动;到最后,抱怨老天不公平,认为自己生不逢时。 有机遇就有挑战,挑战就是我们遇到的种种困难,我们无法回避,也不应该回避。每战胜一个困难,我们就前进一步,而新的困难又拦在了我们前进的路上,我们别无选择,我们惟有迎难而上。 The road on life, we'll have a lot of times opportunities-take it you will succeed. The question is that we most of our people are always and opportunities for passing, or opportunities have already without action; Finally, complain god unfair, think oneself unlucky. With opportunities have challenges, challenge is we encounter difficulties, we cannot avoid, also should not withdraw. Every victory over a difficulty, we will step forward, and the new difficult and stopped in us the way, we have no choice, we only forged ahead. 成功需要机遇,前进必然会面临挑战。我们人生之路不总是上坡路,我们有时要面临下坡路。上坡路好比机遇,下坡路好比挑战,他们是相伴相生的。正所谓,困难与希望同在,机遇与挑战并存。 Success requires opportunity, advance will faces a challenge. Our path in life is not always the ascent , we sometimes have to face down .The ascent is like opportunities ,downhill like challenges, they are mutually with each other to survive. so-called, difficulties and hope also exists; opportunities and challenges tied for existence. 总而言之,机遇和挑战是同步的。看准机遇;时刻抱有一颗迎接挑战的心在我们的学习、工作、生活中事非常重要的。只有这样,我们才能成功 精品文档 精品文档 In short, opportunities and challenges are synchronous. Seize opportunities, moments have a single meet the challenges of the heart in our study, work and life is going to be very important. Only in this way can we succeed 精品文档 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/493ef29753e79b89680203d8ce2f0066f5336407.html