关于万圣节的英文手抄报资料 万圣节是西方传统节日,也是一个比较有意思的节日,万圣节的英文手抄报带你体验万圣节的趣味,下面由 与大家分享关于万圣节的英文手抄报资料,希望对你有用! 关于万圣节的英文手抄报资料欣赏关于万圣节的英文手抄报资料1 关于万圣节的英文手抄报资料2 关于万圣节的英文手抄报资料3 关于万圣节的英文手抄报资料4 关于万圣节的英文手抄报资料5 关于万圣节的英文手抄报资料内容一万圣节的英语鬼故事 One evening, men had to take a bus to go home, but because of his departure and arrival times, and other licensing too late, uncertain in the end he did not have cars, they do not want to walk long distances home because he is very remote, so had no choice but to wait and see There is no end of the shuttle. All of a sudden there is a distance to see the emergence of a bus that he was pleased to Lanju. Yi Shangju he found at the end of this train is rather puzzling as one would naturally have expected that the last bus should be 1 limited because the remote route, but the car was filled with only one vacancy, and the car quietly there is not a personal remark. He felt a little strange, but that is still the only space to sit down. That the space next to a woman sitting there, waiting for him to sit down one, the woman whispered to him: "You should not take this the train." He was very surprised that the woman went on to say: "This train Is not to sit in the living. Yishang Ju you, you will be arrested when the scapegoat. "Woman said to him:" It does not matter, I can help you to escape. "So she pulled on his windows open jump Down, when they jump when he heard the "car" of people yelling "He went so far as to allow a run." His firm, and so on, they found in a deserted hillside, he heaved a sigh of relief on the woman hastened to thank. That woman has exposed a strange smile: "Now, no one robbed me!" 关于万圣节的英文手抄报资料内容二万圣节经典句子 阿杰走过墓地,听到敲击声害怕。见到一个人摸墓碑,问:“你在干吗?”那人说:“他们把我的墓碑刻错了”。祝你万圣节快乐! 白天活见鬼,晚上到处都是鬼,怎么会有这么多的鬼呢,因为今天是万圣节嘛,让我们一起装鬼吧,开心的狂欢一夜。 白天开会,工作太累,晚上不睡,疲劳加倍,狂欢装鬼,千杯不2 醉。万圣节快乐。 不要以为我忘了你,比如说今天--万圣节,我第一个想起的就是你,因为你跟鬼是亲戚嘛!祝你节日乐翻天! 茶要喝浓的,直到淡而无味,酒要喝醉的,永远不要醒来,人要深爱的,下辈子接着爱,猪肉要新鲜的,咦!拿手机的这只猪蹄就不错。 大鬼因为寂寞而流浪,小鬼因为孤单而哭泣,万圣节的夜晚不应该有太多孤单的灵魂,所以送个问候给你,一起狂欢吧。 哥们今天可是个特殊的日子,不是我的生日,也不是她的生日,更不是革命领导的生日,今天是鬼的节日。万圣节快乐。 很想你,又害怕见到你,也许你正在世界的哪个角落默默地注视着我,我想抚摸你那没有下巴的脸蛋,啊,原来是万圣节搞的鬼!祝节日快乐! 鸡是用做下蛋的,牛是有活就干的,猫是挨家混饭的,羊是将来烤串的,狗是让人来惯的,你是等着出圈的。祝你万圣节快乐! 街边美女一挥手,路灯也要瞅一瞅;街边美女二挥手,高楼都想亲一口;街边美女三挥手,地球刹车往回走。哈哈,祝你万圣快乐! 3 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/4ace1bb859fb770bf78a6529647d27284a73374c.html