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英语周报广州版2011-2012学年(上) 九年级基础版第十九期参考答案

1 《事事关心》

1. in the next twenty years 2. two arms, two legs and a head, skin colors 《课文链接》 1-3 CBA

《人物故事》 1-2 FF



I【梳理】invent; find; discover 【运用】1. invented 2. found

3. discovered

4. found 5. discovered


【运用】 1. His mother is no longer a doctor. / His mother isnt a doctor any longer. 2. My younger sister no longer feels

afraid./My younger sister doesn’t feel afraid any longer.

3. I can no longer wait./I can’t wait any longer. 中考链接》 一、 1-3 CAB

二、 1. where to buy 2. so, that 3. too, to look after


一、 第一节1-5 ABBAB

6-10 CACBC 11-15 BCABC

D. films E. 1985

第二节A. April B. Australia C. study 二、 第一节 16-20 CCDCC 21-25 CBADC 第二节 26-30 CBDDA 31-35 CADBC 三、 36-40 CDAAC 四、 46-50 BABBC

41-45 BAACB

51-55 CBBDA 56-60 CCCDA

61-65 CADDB 69. obey 70. harmless

五、 第一节 66. perfectly 67. wild 68. saying 第二节 71. made up her mind 72. waste, playing/on 73. From that day on 74. what to do

75. ringing up/to phone

第三节 One possible version: Dear friends,

I’m sorry to tell you a sad story about my friend. He comes from the countryside. He took the NME this year and got good results. However, he has to give up his dream because his family can’t afford to pay for his university education.

He is a good boy, and not only good at studying but also kind and helpful to his teachers and

friends. He is such a talented boy that he shouldn’t be refused and miss the chance. So let’s do something to help him out. Your donation will be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Li Hua



1. Karen & Kevin Capel.

2. Because they hope it will help pay for more research into children’s cancers. 3. Pyjama Day. 《拓展阅读》

1-2 AB


1. different, individuality 2. important, inner voices



1-5 CACBC 6-10 DAABC 《完形填空》

1-5 BDCAC 6-10 CADCB 《短语大阅兵》

I1. turn off/down 2. turn off 3. turned around/round/about 4. turned up 5. turned into II1. put out 2. put into 3. put away 5. put off

7 1-5 CABDB

6-10 DBDCC

11-15 AACBD 16-18 BDB

8 Unit 5

一、 1. singer 2. degree 3. politely

6. turn on

7. turn to

8. turn in

4. putting up

6. put your heart into 7. put on

4. mind 5. force 6. wandered

7. searched 8. tears 9. usual 10. behaves 二、 1-5 ACCDC 6-10 BBDAB

11-12 BA

三、 1. catch our eyes 2. treats us as 3. Don’t hesitate 4. searched, for 5. are/were shocked at 6. in your time 7. at birth 13. are, interested in Unit 6

一、 1. invitation 2. task 3. obey

8. Keep, in mind

12. are curious about

9. must have studied 10. reach/make a decision 11. lack of
