double seven festival

时间:2022-08-04 03:35:11 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

(The Double Seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month.它发源于中国,是华人地区以及东亚各国的传统节日。现在,许多中国人和外国人对它的认识仅止于:中国传统情人节这一定义。但是,其实它有更加丰富的内涵。


一 七夕有很多名字。Zoe on duty)

< 七夕,原名为乞巧节(Qiqiao festival),又名女儿节。是中国古代的一个属于女人的节日。少女少妇们会在祭拜织女的时候向织女星默祷。如少女们希望长得漂亮或嫁个如意郎、少妇们希望早生贵子等。玩乞巧游戏到半夜始散。梁倩婷>


The scholar call The Double Seventh Festival as"Kuixing Festival"(魁星节)。It is said that the double seven is Kuixing'birthday.So the scholar who want to get the fame and fortune(功名利禄)will worship of him to help them past the imperial examinations(科举考试)。

二.七夕有很多习俗。The Double Seventh Festival have many customs.

1.穿针乞巧:七夕之夜,女子手执五色丝线和连续排列的九孔针,趁月光对月连续穿针引线,将线快速全部穿过者称为“得巧”。小朱 on duty】

Needle needlework(穿针乞巧):In this night,some girls will bring five colors line and nine holes needle(九孔针)on their hands,thread the needle under the moonlight.The one who thread it quickly meams she is ingenuity.

{2.为牛庆生:为了纪念牛郎织女神话故事中的老牛,儿童会在七夕之日采摘野花挂在牛角上,又叫“ 贺牛生日”。

Celebrating for oxes: in order to in memory the old ox in the story about the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid。children will pick wild flowers and hang them on oxes' horn.It's also called celebrate oxes' birthday.

3.妇女染指甲,洗头,文人晒书晒衣,等等。不同的地方有不同的习俗。 陈晓玲 on duty}

Women varnish their nails and washing their hairs,scholars dry their books and clothes,and so on .Different places have different customs。



