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1. Jan ook o _______ ody becue she ha go an “A” in hr ah test。( hapy 2 Mbile phoe r _________ (ide usd in os o th itie n Chna 3 H put n his coa nd wen ou ________ (quick)

4 To ur surprise, h suddenl rturned on a cold ______ snow nght. 5 Allie skd m ______ (polit) t put h hing away.

6. o’s pure was toln on the bu yetrday __________ (Forunate), thee was o money n it

7 ou must kee yor yes _________ he yu do ey exrises(close

8 I feel iffiult to earn wod y har and I ofen fee _________(nervousy) he speakig English

9. Te cake smells ______。 lease thro it aa.bad)

1. ha was he waher like yestrda?- It was teribe It rained so _______(hevy)hat people coul ______(har)go ut.

11 Atetion please, evrboy! Peas keep ______ for moment。 And lt e tae a phto. (silent)

12. Frd s scon to hnd in maths papers in our class but beiee it o not, he ______ passe the ls eam(uccess)

3 Bo neve oes im oewok so _______ as Mary. He maes lot of mstake. (are)14 Yor English i ood. I’ll try my best to spea t as _______as you do。 clea) 1. We mut eep ____ in the libary te woan said ____ to me (quie) 16 This kin of T-shrt ooks __________ an sells __________(good)

17. Te ight ws ver ___________, so he had to tke off her shoe ____________(que)

18.How ________quick) Bety answerd he eacher question

19。 eole i ifferen cuntries ehave____________different) when hey at dinner. 20. The plan landed ________ and we wre ______________. (safe)

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21 Little Tm cnt mov that ________heavy box.

22. The man _____________(grteful cepted h present rm the il.

23。 Yo a iaine ow ________ I was when ride to scol o my bicycle。(hpy) 24. He had time fo ___________(proper )breakast and wa till the firs to ech he fatory.

5Liy i ued to getting up ________ ad she is lwys ________for school lae)


1. appy 形容词 本句中lok翻译成看起来,是感官动词,感官动词后接形容词,所以本题填happy。 感官

动词还有 ound(听起来), feel(感觉) tse(尝起来), smell(闻起来) 也是此用法。 注意:这五个感官动词还其它含义,用法也就不同。

2. wdely 副词 句子意思: 在中国的大部分城市,手机都被广泛使用 在这里,iely是修饰 use的,u

se 是动词,副词修饰动词,所以用widey 注意:副词修饰动词,多习惯放于动词后,但这并不是完全绝对的。 3. uikly 副词 句子意思: 他穿上大衣迅速地走出去了。此题与上一题考察的是同一类型。因为走出去是动词,


4. sowy 形容词 o a cld_______ night nigt 名词,在一个________ 的夜晚,形容词来修饰


5. poliey 副词 askd me plitel 有礼貌地让我 politely修饰ask 副词修饰动词 6. ortunately 相当于luciy

7. cosed, 形容词 keep在本句中翻译为保持,后接形容词 类似的用法: kep ou room len ,ke


8. nervous eel 感官动词,所以接形容词 9. ba smell 闻起来 感官动词后接形容词 10. hevily, harly 第一个空, 雨下地很大, eavily修饰rain(下雨), 第二个空,句子意思,人们几乎不能出去。

hrdly 几乎不 注意:hrd 既是形容词也是副词,意思为努力地,困难地 harly 几乎不 11. slent 安静的,寂静的 本题考察kep (保持)的用法 12. successfuly

13. carefuly 首先 as(o) …… a 中间接形容词或副词原级 本题中,空格的单词需要修饰 does


14. cleary与上一题类似

15. uiet quietly keep quiet said ______to me 空格部分修饰said 所以用quiel 16. good, wl look 看起来,感官动词,所以第一个空填good 第二个空需要修饰sell (动词) , 所以


17. qiet quietly

18. quickly 本题是由 how引导的一个感叹句,可以把how去掉,那么句子是:Betty answered he eachers

ustion __________. 迅速地回答 quikly 修饰answer 19. ifferenly differently 修饰动词behave

20. safely afe safely 修饰 动词land( 降落) 第二个空: b 动词后接形容词 21. havy

22. gratefuly 修饰accept

23. happy 与18题类似 How去掉,句子变成I was ________. 24. Proper 形容词修饰名词, 放在名词前面

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25. lt, at late 既是形容词又是副词

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