浅析如何用英文讲述中元节起源与习俗 今天是农历七月十五日,恰好是“中元节”,俗称鬼节,那你知道如何用英文讲述中元节的来源与习俗吗?中文大家肯定都知道,今天小编在此与大家分享如何用英文讲述中元节的来源与习俗,大家不妨来了解下中英对照吧。 【词汇】 Hungry Ghost Festival 中元节(也叫“鬼节”) The Hungry Ghost Festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month. 中元节在农历七月十五日。 【中元节的起源】 The origin of the Hungry Ghost Festival and the Ghost Month in China is uncertain. Cultures in Asia from India to Cambodia to Japan share similar beliefs about the month, and these traditions seem to date from before Buddha. 中元节是否起源于中国并不确定。关于该节日的文化在一些亚洲国家诸如印度、柬埔寨、日本都信奉着相似的信仰,似乎这些传统都起源于佛教。 According to Taoism, the gates of hell are opened on the first day of the seventh month, and hungry ghosts are released to find food or to take revenge on those who have behaved badly according to Taoist records. 根据道教说法,农历七月的第一天地狱之门将打开,饥饿的鬼魂得以释放去寻找食物或报复那些道家记载的作恶多端的人。 【中元节习俗】 Family members offer prayers to their deceased relatives, offer food and drink and burn hell bank notes and other forms of joss paper. 家庭成员向已故的亲人祈祷,送上祝福,奉上食物和饮料,烧一些诸如冥币这样的纸钱给他们。 以上就是如何用英文讲述中元节的来源与习俗,现在应该都知道怎么说了吧。如果你身边还有什么人不知道,也请你告知他或她。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/50b3ad07edfdc8d376eeaeaad1f34693daef1098.html