ACCA F2知识点:Absorption and marginal costing 对比
ACCA F2知识点:Absorption and marginal costing 对比 吸收成本法和边际成本法是ACCA F2的重要考点,今天我们就把两中方法汇总,方便大家对比记忆。 In absorption costing,fixed manufacturing/production overheads are absorbed into cost units.Stock is valued at absorption cost. In marginal costing,fixed manufacturing/production overheads are not absorbed into cost units.Stock is valued at marginal/variable cost.All fixed overheads,including fixed production overheads,are treated as period costs and are charged in the Income statement. Under absorption costing Under marginal costing 这两种方法大家需要抓住它们的区别点 同时在不同状况下利润大小的对比情况:存货水平上升 AC PROFIT>MC profit. 存货水平下降,AC PROFIT如果期初期末存货水平不变,AC PROFIT=MC PROFIT.