
时间:2022-07-25 13:27:48 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载





第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)

1I'm sorry you ______ so long, but it' ll still be some time before Jim gets back Await Bwaited

Chad waited

Dhave been waiting

2Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see ____. Awho is he

Cwho is it Dwho it is

3 How is the test that you took yesterday?

Unfortunately, not even one of the hundred students who took the test ______ passed. Ahas Bhave Care Dis

4We had wanted to surprise Father with a birthday gift, but my sister _______ by asking him what he would like. Alicked her lips Bate her words Cspilt the beans Dpulled his leg

5_____ working abilityyou are no worse than the othersit is just you who don’t put your heart in your work AIn favor of

BIn honor of

CIn terms of

DIn case of

Bwho he is

6What did he do in return for free ________ and food offered by the kind couple? He helped their son with his lessons. Aconservation Caccommodation



Although everything seems to have been taken into consideration, ________ accident can happen when the astronauts 7

walk in ________ space. A/; the Ban; the

Cthe; the Dan; /

8Our bedrooms are all on the sixth floor, with its own bathroom. Aall Bevery



9I quickly lowered myself, ducking my head to avoid looking directly into his eyes so that he wouldn't feel ________. Achallenged Cto be challenged

Dhaving challenged


10They will run an after-class club __________ kids can have fun and learn how to protect themselves.

Athat Bwhen Cwhere Dwhat

11--- She will finish the project within three days! --- ______! I could do it in three hours. AYou are right

BI’m stuck

COh, come on

DDon’t mention it

12The only problem was ______ we kept getting lost! But people in Tianjin are very friendly and helpful. Awhy Cthat Dhow

13More expressways in Sichuan soon to promote the local economy. Aare being built Chave been built

Dhad been built

Bwill be built Bwhether

14They have leading experts in this fieldand that's __________ they've made important progress Awhere

Cwhether Dwho

15Eggs, meat, vegetables and other foods can easily be poisoned by microorganisms such as ______. Aphenomena

Bdilemma Cdiploma Dbacteria


1640 grams of meat per day is ______ people should consume in order to stay fit. Athat Bwhy Chow Dwhat

17____regular training in nursing, she could hardly cope with the work at first. ANot received BSince receiving

CHaving not received DNot having received

18Not until he left his home __________ to know how important the family was for him Adid he begin Bhad he begun Che began Dhe had begun 19________? You look really down.

—I’m tired of my job. There are endless problems to deal with. AWhy bother CWhat’s up

DWhy not

BSo what

20 Is it enough to finish the form for a passport, Madam?

Your passport application form should be ________ by two recent photos. Aupdated


Cestablished Didentified

第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Men don't go through pregnancy or childbirth. Their hormone (荷尔蒙) levels don't nosedive. What 216分)exactly have they got to be depressed about? Quite a lot, according to research from Sweden showing that, over the past 10 years, a significant number of men have struggled with the transition(过渡) to fatherhood.

This latest research tries to quantify just how many men get postnatal(产后)depression. Previous studies have found between 4% and 10% of men. while, in this smallish sample of 447 Swedish fathers who volunteered (and may therefore not represent your average dad), a surprising 28% of men had symptoms that scored above mild levels of depression. Overall, 4% had moderate depression. Fewer than one in five fathers who were depressed sought help, even though a third of those had thought about harming themselves. While women in the UK are often asked a series of questions that screen for postnatal depression (which affects up to 13% of women), the mental health of fathers is rarely assessed.

The lead author of the Swedish paper, Elisa Psouni, from the department of psychology at Lund University, says the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale(EPDS) used for both women and men is not so accurate in picking up depression in fathers. Her research showed higher levels of depression in dads because it added in a score more reflective of "male" symptoms of depression such as agitation, anger, irritability(易怒), working longer hours and drinking too much.

Depression in fathers may be rising not just because researchers are looking for it, but because more new dads are struggling. Psouni believes fathers increasingly face the same dilemmas that mothers do-including trying to combine parenthood with working Fathers who got depressed often had external pressures, such as job issues, and if their partner was depressed, their own risk of depression doubled. Lack of sleep, having twins and conflict in the relationship can all contribute.

A depressed dad will play and smile less with his child. Children are deeply affected by paternal postnatal depression with studies showing poorer measures of wellbeing and more behavioral problems at the age of seven.

Fathers who sense they may be struggling and partners, relatives or friends who notice an increase in imitability and anxiety in a man in the first year of parenthood (paternal depression is more dispersed throughout the first 12 months) should consider the possibility of paternal postnatal depression.

Cognitive behavioral therapy(认知行为疗法) can help, as can antidepressants. If the depression is not recognised, says Psouni, "one of most terrible things is that you catch up with yourself a year later and realise you have been really down and struggling-and the first year of your child's life has gone.” 1What is revealed about men according to a Sweden research? AThey experience a sharp decline in hormone. BMany of them suffer from postnatal depression. CThey seldom go through pregnancy or childbirth DMany of them qualify for the transition to fatherhood. 2What do the statistics in Paragraph 2 indicate? AThe researchers should invite more Swedish fathers.
