The Cat and the Mouse are Friends 猫和老鼠做朋友
The Cat and the Mouse are Friends 猫和老鼠做朋友 A cat knows a mouse. The cat says to the mouse: “Oh, I like the mouse very much.” So the mouse regards it as a friend. Soon, they get a pot of lard. The cat says: “Keep it the church until the winter. The church is the safest place.” 有一只猫认识一只老鼠,他对老鼠温柔地说:“哎哟,我是多么爱老鼠啊。”老鼠于是同意和他做朋友,共同生活。不久,他们弄到了一罐猪油。猫说:“留到冬天吃吧,把它放在教堂里,那里啊最安全了。” The mouse agrees .Soon, the cat wants to eat the lard and he says to the mouse: “Dear mouse, my cousin gave birth to a kitten and wants me be the godfather. I want to accept and go to the baptism today. Can you be at home alone? Ok. But you had better come back early”. 老鼠同意了。但是没过多久,猫想吃猪油了,便对老鼠说:“亲爱的小老鼠,我想跟你说点事。我的表姐呀刚刚生了一个小宝宝,请我当小宝贝的干爹,我要抱着他去接受洗礼,所以今天要出去一下,你一个人在家里看家,啊,好吗?”“啊,好啊,你早去早回,啊!” The cat went directly to the church and climbs up the pot and eats up the top of the lard .The mouse says: “Ah, you’ve come back. Did you have a good time?” “Yes.” the cat replies. “What’s name of the baby?” “Taking off the skin.” the cat says coldly. “Taking off the skin.” the mouse cries and thinks that is strange. 猫直接去了教堂,偷偷地爬到猪油罐那里,开始舔啊舔,把顶上的一层猪油舔得精光。然后,他在城里的屋顶上散了一天的步,他一直等到天黑才回家。老鼠说:“哎哟,你终于回来了,这一天肯定过得很开心吧?”猫回答说:“一切很顺利。”“你们给那孩子起了什么名字啊?” “去了皮。”猫冷淡地说。“去了皮?”老鼠心里觉得很奇怪,叫了起来。 This time, the cat walks into the church and eat half of lard. When it reaches home, the mouse asks: “That’s the name of this kitten?” The cat answers: “Taking off in half.” “Taking off in half.” The mouse screams and feels strange. 没过多久,猫又想吃猪油了。他说又有人请他去做干爹。这一次,猫从城墙后面溜进教堂,一口气吃掉了半罐猪油。晚上等他到家时,老鼠问道:“这个孩子起的什么名字啊?”猫回答:“去了一半。”“去了一半!这个名字更奇怪了。” Soon, the cat goes to the church and eats up all the lard. The mouse sees it walking back into the house and ask: “You are so lucky! ” What did you call you kittens this time? “Sweeping away.” The mouse replies: “Each name is more difficult to understand than the other.” 不久,猫第三次去了教堂,把猪油全都吃光了。老鼠见他走进门,就问:“哎,你运气真好,总有人请你去做干爹,你这个儿子叫什么名字啊?“叫一扫光!”猫说:“叫一扫光。”老鼠惊叫起来,“哎呀,这三个名字,怎么一个比一个更难理解呀!” From then on, the cat isn’t invited to be a godfather. In the winter, they can’t find any food. The mouse remembers the lard and says: “Cat! Let’s go and get the lard! We shall have a good meal.” “Yes.” the cat says: “the taste is same as if you put you tongue out of the window in the wind. ” 从此以后,猫再也没有被邀请去当干爹。冬天到了,外面再也找不到任何吃的东西。老鼠想到了他们准备过冬的东西,就说:“走吧,猫!我们去取储存的猪油吧。我们可以美美地吃上一顿哪。嗯!”猫回答说,“嗯,是呀,那味道啊,就跟你把舌头伸到窗户外面吃风一样。” So they go to the church. When they get there, the mouse finds the pot empty .“oh no!” the mouse says, “Now I understand it all !You are a good friend! You ate up all the lard when you went to the church! You took off the skin and then ate half the pot…and then…” 于是他们动身去了教堂。可当他们到达那里以后,老鼠看到猪油罐里面空空的。老鼠说:“哎呀,天哪!我现在终于明白是怎么回事了!你可真是个好朋友,你在去当什么干爹的时候,把这猪油全吃光了!先是去了皮,然后去了一半,最后……” “Shut up!” the cat shouts: “If you say anything else, I will eat you!” “…ate it all up .” said the pitiful mouse as he bolts out of the church. The cat pounces after the mouse. When he catches it, he devours it. 猫嚷道,“你给我住嘴!你要是再啰嗦,我连你也吃了!”可怜的老鼠脱口而出:“……吃个精光。”他刚把话说完,猫就扑到他的身上,抓住他,把他吞进了肚子。这世界呀就是这样! 本文来源: