
时间:2022-04-24 05:40:06 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

一、现在完成时:(现在的过去)—has/ have done


1. 常与下列表示时间的词在一起使用:

already, yet , ever, just, lately, never, recently, since, for e.g. 1) He has been to Beijing since two years ago.

2) He has gone to Beijing recently.

2. 表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态,有以下几种情况:

1) for + 一段时间

e.g. I have worked at the factory for ten years. e.g. I have lost 7 kilograms in the last two months. e.g. We have learned 3,000 words by the end of this term.

2) in the last/past + 一段时间 3) by the end of + 现在时间点 4)

过去时间点 (译为:自…….以来)

since + 一段时间 + ago

从句 (过去时)

e.g. Justin has disappeared since last Friday night.

Justin has disappeared since three days ago.

Kelly hasn’t seen her brother since she heard him shout that night. 5) It/ This is the first/ second…time

This is + 形容词最高级 + n.

+ that从句 (现在完成时)

e.g. This is the second time that I have visited Beijing.

This is the most interesting film that I have ever seen.

3. 延续性动词: be, stay, keep, work, live

常与表示时间段的状语连用,如:for ten minutes, for years, since 1996, all day, in the last two years, in the past等,以及表示到目前为止的时间状语,如:so far, up to now, until now, before等。

非延续性动词:become, die, leave, buy, marry

不与段时间连用,常带不确定的时间状语,如:already, yet, once, twice, just, ever, recently, still等。

e.g. 1) He has joined the army.

He has been in the army for two years.

He has been a soldier for two years.


2) They have got married recently.

They have been married for ten years.

二、现在完成进行时:have/ has + been + doing



1. 前者强调动作的持续或进行性;后者说明事实,强调动作的完成。 2. 可用来表示感情色彩。

3. 前者与 how long连用;后者与how many or how much连用

e.g. 1) Li Jia has read a book about Stonehenge.

2) Li Jia has been reading a book about Stonehenge these days. 3) The couple have been quarreling ever since they got married.

4) How long have you been swimming in the lake? 5) How many times have you swum in the lake?


shall/ will be doing


would do

was/were going to was/were to

was/were about to when

e.g. 1) We will be having a meeting from 3 to 4 this afternoon.

2) Colin and Toby will be taking a flight from London to Morocco at 9 a.m. next Tuesday. 3) Colin told Aihua he was going to Africa on holiday. 4) I was about to go to school when it began to rain.


四、过去完成时:过去的过去—had done


1. by the end of + 过去时间点

e.g. We had learned 3,000 words by the end of last term. 2. It/ This was the first/ second…time

This was + 形容词最高级 + n.

e.g. This was the second time that I had visited Beijing.

This was the most interesting film that I had ever seen. This was the most important tomb that had ever been found.

3. 过去完成时常与when/ after/ before/ by the time + 从句连用

e.g. The class had begun when he arrived at the classroom.

Before his mother came home, he had finished his homework. He had become famous by the time he was nine.

+ that从句 (过去完成时)

4. It was + 一段时间 + since从句 (从句谓语用过去完成时)

e.g. It was three years since he had joined the army.

5. 过去完成时可表示过去没有实现的愿望、打算或意图,常跟下列动词连用:hope, think,

expect, mean, plan, suppose

e.g. I had hoped to visit him, but I was too busy.

