定语从句详解:who、whom、whose、which、that引导的定语从句 定语从句详解:who、whom、whose、which、that引导的定语从句一、定语从句基本概念 定语从句通常在英语复合句中充当定语的作用,在简单句中,定语往往用来修饰代词、名词或名词性短语,例: Tom is a handsome boy. Tom是个英俊的男孩。 There is a good boy. 有个乖男孩。 将以上的两句转换为定语从句则为: Tom is the boy who is handsome. There is a boy who is good. 二、定语从句中两大要素 了解了定语的作用之后,现在进入定语从句的正式学习。想要辨别定语从句,必须了解定语从句的两大要素:关系代词(或关系副词)、先行词。 本节重点讲解由关系代词引导的定语从句,下一节将为大家带来关系副词引导的定语从句。 首先为大家简单例举一个定语从句。 He is a good person who would like to help anyone. 他是一个好人,肯帮助任何人。 其中person就是先行词,who则为关系代词 who是用来指代这个先行词person,因此称为关系代词。此外,who 只能做“人”关系代词,比如boy、girl、people等。 除了who之外,关系代词还有whom、whose、which、that 其中,值得注意的是,当定语从句修饰一个“人”时,选择关系代词必须了解先行词在从句中的位置才能做出决定,我们可以用拆分复合句的方法来判断。例: 1.He is a good person who would like to help anyone. 他是一个好人,肯帮助任何人。 拆分后: He is a good person. The person would like to help anyone. 拆分后可以发现,先行词在第二句中做主语,因此用who. 2.He is the man whom I met yesterday. 拆分后: He is the man. I met the man yesterday. 拆分后可以发现,先行词在第二句中做宾语,因此用whom. 当需要使用修饰“物”的关系代词时,例句是这样的: 1.This is a car which(that) is red. 拆分后: This is a car. The car is red 拆分后发现,先行词在第二句中做主语. 2.This is the book which you gave me yesterday. 拆分后: This is the book. You gave me the book yesterday 拆分后发现,先行词在第二句中做宾语 3.This is the room in which you were born. 拆分后: This is the room. You were born in the room 拆分后发现,先行词在第二句中做宾语。特别注意,当第二句中动词之后跟一个介词,在写定语从句时必须把介词提到关系代词之前。最后一个,当关系代词要指代“人”或“物”的所有格(属格)时,例句是这样的: This is the bike whose brake was damaged(the brake of which was damaged) 这辆自行车的刹车坏了。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/54e9c2c6adf8941ea76e58fafab069dc5122477f.html