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举世熟知的porsche盾徽,是1953年由费利.保时捷博士(dr . feny porsche)所构思。跃动的黑马象征porsche惊人的爆发力,正中央stuttgart字样,代表保时捷公司的所在地;四周厂徽取自巴登佛登堡州(baden wurttemberg)州徽,并镶以德国国旗黑、红、黄三色,共同构成一面令人热血沸腾的盾徽。在历史上斯图加特早在16世纪就是名马产地,保时捷标志的左上方和右下方是鹿角的图案,表明该地也曾是狩猎的场所。右上方和左下方的黄色条纹是成熟麦穗的颜色,意味着肥沃的土地和带给人们的幸福,红色则象征着人们的智慧。


1.Shield shaped emblem of the word "Stuttgart", the company is headquartered in Stuttgart City

2.The trademark is in the middle of a horse, a horse is rare on behalf of Stuttgart City

3.Below the upper left and right is the staghorn pattern, said that Stuttgart is a good place for hunting.

3.The top right and bottom left yellow stripes on behalf of the ripe wheat,

symbolizing a bumper grain harvest, represents the black fertile land, red symbolizes the people's wisdom and the nature of love. 上下左上角的黄色条纹代表成熟的小麦,象征着丰收,代表着黑色的肥沃的土地,红色象征着人们的智慧和爱的本性。

Propaganda language: 1.Porsche, irreplaceable.

2.Just start the engine, and your faith in humanity will be fully restored."
