指好儿子,好儿媳的成语 1. 孝顺敬老 (xiào shùn jìng lǎo) - Filial piety and respect for elders 2. 和睦相处 (hé mù xiāng chǔ) - Live in harmony 3. 孝敬父母 (xiào jìng fù mǔ) - Show filial piety to parents 4. 顺应天命 (shùn yìng tiān mìng) - Follow the will of Heaven 5. 恭敬有礼 (gōng jìng yǒu lǐ) - Respectful and courteous 6. 诚实守信 (chéng shí shǒu xìn) - Honest and trustworthy 7. 勤俭持家 (qín jiǎn chí jiā) - Hardworking and frugal in running a household 8. 品学兼优 (pǐn xué jiān yōu) - Good in both character and academics 9. 以德服人 (yǐ dé fú rén) - Win people over with virtue 10. 博学多才 (bó xué duō cái) - Knowledgeable and versatile。 - 1 - 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/59617b09021ca300a6c30c22590102020740f2e5.html