2018春(牛津译林版)八年级英语下册课件:U2 Task.doc

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U2 Task

Where did kitty travel? When did she travel there? Who did she travel with? What did she do/eat/see there? How does she like the trip? Pre-writing Read Kittys fact file, then answer the following questions:

Kittys best holiday Read Part B on P33 and help Kitty complete her article With the help of Part A. 1. writing while reading 2. paying attention to the spelling Tips: Pre-writing

The next day, we went to the most famous theme park ___________________, I loved watching the interesting ________of Disney characters, and the Space Mountain ride was very ________. Disneyland parade exciting The day finally arrived. My parents and I left for the airport in the early morning. It took us about three and a half hours to fly to Hong Kong. On the third day, we visited another famous theme park in Hong Kong________. We watched the ___________ and the bird show there. They were great fun. Ocean park dolphin show

On the fourth day, we visited some museums, and then we went _________. My mother enjoyed that day most. She bought a lot of presents for our relatives and her friends. shopping We went to a seafood restaurant on the fifth day and had a __________ meal. The food in Hong Kong was really nice. We enjoyed this trip very much, and I hope I can visit it again some day. delicious 1. My parents and I left for the airport in the early morning. 和父母一大早就前往机场。 leave for 动身去 e.g. The plane leaves for Hong Kong at 10:30. 飞机于10 30 起飞前往香港。

2. It took us about three and a half hours to fly to Hong Kong. 们花了3 个半小时飞到香港。 3 个半小时 还可以表达成 three hours and a half 一个半小时 的两种表达方式 one and a half hours one hour and a half

Kitty wrote the article mainly in the order of time. Time Place Para1. On the first day Para2. The next day Para3. On the third day Para4. On the fourth day Para5. On the fifth day (Arrived in) Hong Kong

Disneyland Ocean Park Museumsshopping mall A seafood restaurant 时间顺 Part 1 When Where Who Para6.

Places of interest Part 2 Experience Activities Eating Part 3 Feelings Pre-writing

When; Where; Who; What; How When you write about your trip, what will you mainly write about? Para 1 Places of interest Activities Eating Para 2 Para 3 While-writing

While-writing 去年暑假和父母一起坐汽车去了青岛。第一天去了青岛海底世界( Qingdao Underwater World ,看到了各种各样的海底动物。傍晚去了海水浴场(Bathing Beach ,在海水里和沙滩上玩得很开心。第二天去了崂山(Laoshan Scenic Area ,崂山的风景很优美,拍了许多照片。第三天去了栈桥(Zhanqiao Pier ,给亲戚和朋友买了礼物。中午吃了海鲜。 玩得非常开心,希望能够再去。 要求: 1. 要点表达清晰,适当发挥。 2. 80 词左右; 3. 语言表达准确,语意通顺、连贯。

A fact file When:__________________ Where:_________________

Who:_________________ Para1 What Para2 Places of interest: Activities: Eating: How:________________ Para3 While-writing

My best holiday Tips: 1. Work out a fact file first just like A on P32. 2. Remember to state the main points clearly. When, Where, Who, What, How 3. Give details to support the main points. Details should be interesting and special. While-writing 4. Use transitions( 过渡词)to connect the ideas. 5. Accurate use of grammar,spelling, punctuation(标点)and case matters. How to be a good reporter? Assessment Result 1 All about the topic (When, Where, Who, What, How) 2 Correct structure and sentences 3 No spelling, punctuation or other small mistakes 4 Handwriting Advice Rules Excellent! Good! Not bad! Post-writing

Improve your articles after class.
