live的过去式和用法例句 live有活着;居住;过着等意思,那么你知道live的过去式是什么吗?下面是小编为大家整理的live的过去式和用法例句,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! live的各种时态: 过去分词: lived 过去式: lived 现在分词: living live的用法: live的用法1:live的基本意思是居住,住,引申可作活,生存以某种方式生活继续存在,留存享受生活等解。 live的用法2:live可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时通常接同源宾语,有时也接experience等和动词不同源的词,表示过的生活,有的实践或经历。 live的用法3:live也可用作系动词,意思是活着,常接形容词作表语。 live的用法4:live可如be般用于存在句(There...),位于there之后,主语之前,其人称和数应与主语一致。 live的用法5:live后接副词on表示继续活下去;接介词on则表示以为食靠生活;后接介词with表示与同住寄宿在。 第 1 页 共 3 页 live的用法6:当只表示某地是某人的家时, live不用于进行时。如果说某人刚搬到某地或某地是临时住所,才可用于进行时。 live的过去式例句: 1. He lived on an invalidity pension which came as a weekly giro. 他靠每周领取的作为病残养老金的直接转账救济支票过日子。 2. You lived on the farm until you came back to America? 你回美国之前一直生活在农场吗? 3. I lived there once myself, before I got married. 我结婚前曾独自在那儿住过。 4. Over the weekend, a firebomb gutted a building where 60 people lived. 本周,一颗燃烧弹炸毁了一栋有60位居民的楼房。 5. At one time 400 men, women and children lived in the village. 曾经有400个男人、女人和孩子居住在村子里。 6. He lived alone, keeping close contact with his three grown-up sons. 他一个人住,与3个已经长大成人的儿子经常联系。 7. Ray and sister Renee lived just 25 miles apart from each other. 雷和妹妹勒妮的住处仅相隔25英里。 第 2 页 共 3 页 8. Their room was bare of furniture and they lived off porridge. 他们家徒四壁,靠喝粥度日。 9. We are too young to have lived through the war. 我们太年轻,没经历过那场战争。 10. He had three children, and lived on into his sixties. 他有3个孩子,已经60多岁了。 11. She has lived alone in this house for almost five years now. 她已在这所房子里独自住了近5年。 12. He has lived and farmed in the area for 46 years. 他已在此地生活耕作了46年。 13. He lived on a diet of water and tinned fish. 他仅靠喝水、吃鱼罐头过活。 14. I had lived two doors away from this family for several years. 我和这家人是好几年的邻居了,中间就隔着两家。 15. You havent lived until youve used their new micro system. 要是没用过他们新的微系统,这辈子就算白活了。 第 3 页 共 3 页 本文来源: