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fine的过去式和其他时态: 过去式:fined 过去分词:fined 现在分词:fining fine的用法:

fine的用法1fine用作动词的意思是“使变纯,(使澄清” 引申可作“转晴” “使精细使精炼”解。

fine的用法2: fine可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。 用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。

fine的用法3: fine也可作“处…以罚金”解通常只能用于 金钱,不用于其他物资其后可接双宾语表示“对…处以…罚款”。

fine的用法4: fine是描绘形容词基本意思是指经过加工、 提炼而变得非常“精美”引申可表示“美好的优秀的优良的 杰出的”“纤细的” “细微的”“晴朗的无雨的”“健康的舒适的” “过分夸饰的炫耀的” “可怕的糟透的”等。

fine的用法5 fine表示天气“好”时一般用it作主语。 fine的过去式例句:

1. he has been fined five thousand pounds and given a severe reprima nd.


2. foreigners or impri-s on ed.

found without residency cards can be fined

没有绿卡的外国人一经发现就会被罚款或监禁。 3. he was also fined $150 for un professi onal con duct. 他还因行为违反了职业道德而被罚


4. he was fined for speeding last year. 他去年因超速行驶被罚了款。

5. she was fined £ 100 for driv ing carelessly. 她因开车违章,被罚款100英镑。

6. before the beer can be bottled it has to be fined. 啤酒在装瓶之前要使其澄清.

7. the judge fined her 25 dollars for her mistake. 法官因她的错误而对她处以 25美元罚款. 8. she has fined down a lot since last year. 自去年以来她苗条多了.

9. owners who allow their dogs to foul the footpath will be fin ed. 主人若放任狗弄脏人行道将受处罚.

10. he was fined for shoplifting but only received his just deserts.
