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Becoming Jane 成为简·奥斯汀

旁白:Jane Austin是一个乡村牧师的女儿,她热爱写作,思想独立,虽然家境贫穷那个,但备受父母疼爱。Tom Lefory家境贫寒,受其舅舅——城里著名律师供养。Lefory风流成性,被舅舅惩罚送往乡下思过,碰上了Jane。二人相互吸引。与此同时,当地有钱人格萊谢姆夫人的侄子,即她的财产继承人,Wisley爱上了独立特别的Jane,向她求婚。 场景一

Jane内心独白:I know Wesley’s heart! But my heart is telling me that I fell in love with Tom. What should I do?

旁白:Lady Cresham为了满足其侄子的愿望,试图说服Jane

Lady Cresham: Well,you have the usual accomplishments. Your person is agreeable. But when a young woman such as yourself receives the addresses from a gentleman such as my nephew, it is her duty to accept at once. Miss Austin, you father is in grave financial difficulties. But all is not lost. He has a daughter upon whom fortunes has smiled. Jane内心独白(迷乱冲出花园) should I marry to Just for my family? 姨妈姑姐:Its a good chance for Jane. Tom出场(没想到怎么出比较好) Tom冲出花园截住迷茫中的Jane JaneTom

TomI have learned of Mr wisleys marriage proposal. My congratulations. Jane: Is there and alternative for a well-educated young woman of small fortune?

Tom: How can you have him? Even with his thousands and his houses, how can you, of all people, dispose of yourself without affection?

Jane: How can I dispose of myself with it? Youre leaving tomorrow, Tom.

Tom: I have no money, no property. I am entirely dependent upon that bizarre old lunatic, my uncle. I cannot yet offer marriage. But you must know what I feel. Jane, I’m yours. Gah, I’m yours, heart and soul.

Jane: let me decide that. Tom: What will we do? Jane: what we must. 场景二

旁白:TJ决定去见舅舅征求其同意。一封说明了Jane的贫穷身份的信送到舅舅手上。 Tom: Now that you have had the opportunity to become acquainted with Miss Austen yourself, I am sure you will find, as I do, that she is a remarkable young woman. Uncle(看信)ah (愤怒) This is an outrage. This letter makes it absolutely clear. Aye! Blind me and then insinuate that penniless little husband-hunter! Tom: Moderation, sir, I beg you! Uncle: That ironical little authoress.

Tom: I wish you find her merit by yourself. Consider, sir, my happiness is in your hands.

Uncle: Happiness? Damn it, nephew. I had rather you were a whore-mongering blackguard with a chance of reform than a love-sick whelp sunk in a bad marriage. Jane 走进。

TomI depend entirely upon

Jane: upon your uncle. That depends on you. So what will you do?

Tom: I have my duty for my entire family, Jane.

Jane: is that is that all you have to say to me? Goodbye, Mr.Lefory. 场景三:

旁白:Tom 按舅舅要求接受了另一位富有小姐的订婚。简听到此消息十分伤心。 Brother Mr. Lefory, Tom, is engaged. Jane: so soon? (悲伤)

WisleyJane, just marry me. I will give you and your family what you need!

Jane: I cannot make you out, Mr wisely. At times, you are the most gentleman that I have ever meet. But I just cant accept. Wisley伤心退下。

Jane: Mr Lefory? I believe I must congratulate you, mr Lefroy. And youve come to visit an old friend at such a time. How considerate. Tom: I know I am late.

Jane: tell me about your lady. What was it that won her? Your manner, similes and pleasing address? No, no, not at all. No, had I really experienced that emotion, I should, at present, detest the very sight of him. I’m not jealous about his lady. Tom: and so you would marry Wisley? You cannot!

Jane: oh no, Mr Lefroy. You know little of justice or truth.

Tom: Jane. I cannot live in lie. What value will there be in life if we are not together? Run away with me.

Jane: an elopement. Leave everything? Tom: everything!

Sister : You will lose everything! For what? A child every year and no means to lighten the load. How will you write, Jane?

Jane: I dont know. But happiness is within my grasp and I cannot help myself. 私奔过程,JaneTom 拿衣服,看到了信。 Jane 深思

Jane: how many brothers and sisters do you have in limerick, Tom? Tom: enough. Why?

Jane: what are the names of your brothers and sisiters? Tom: they

Jane: on whom they depend? Your reputation is destroyed. Your profligacy is a beautiful sham.()

Tom: I can earn money.

Jane: it will not be enough. With a high court judge as your enemy? And a penniless wife? God knows hom many mouths depending on you? My sweet, sweet friend,you will sink, and we will all sink with you.

Tom: do you love me? Dont say it, even don’t think.

Jane: yes, I love you. But if our love destroys your family, it will destroy itself. In a long, slow degradation of guilt and regret and blame. Tom: thats nonsense.

Jane: Truth. Made from contradiction. But we must cover it with smile. Or else I shall count it as false and we shall have had no love at all. Goodbye. Jane离开
