
时间:2022-09-02 10:04:23 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

关于写变化的英语短句 1. 身边变化的英文句子

I have grown up to an adult.我已经长大成人了. I have changed a lot these years.最近几年我变化很大. I have finished my course. 我已经完成了我的课程. I have turned to be a silent girl.我已经变成了一个沉默的女孩. I have gained many prizes.我获得了许多奖. I have come back from America.我已经从美国回来了. My hair has turned gray since two years ago.自从两年前,我的头发就变白了. My skin has become wrinkled.我的皮肤起皱纹. I have made great progress in English learning. 英语学习上我已经获得了巨大的进步. I have helped my Mom with housework.我已经帮助妈妈做了家务了. 2. 【关于英文句子变化的问题

1.English is spoken by many people in the world.2.Knives are used for cutting things.3.The bike won't be repaired by her tomorrow.4.The homework was handed in by the students yesterday.5.When will the match be held by (y)our school?6.I wasn't chosen by our teacher this time.供你校对. 3. 写一些关于我们学校变化的句子五句话英文 The first Campus Art Festival of our school

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Last week our school held the first Art Festival.The festival aimed not only to better students of cultural and artistic level, but also for a review of the education quality .It can do good for campus culture communication and stimulate students' potential, personality, and cultivate the interest, edify sentiment, and the aesthetic appeal. The colorful and diverse forms, fully embodies the festival.We dance,sing,perform dramas,play the guitar,recite poems and so on.Througn the performance,we strengthened the construction of campus spiritual civilization, created a good atmosphere of learning .

The festival is a limited time though, but the art space is infinite.

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