我的眼睛和鼻子英语作文 我的眼睛和鼻子英语作文 在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。那么你有了解过作文吗?以下是小编整理的我的`眼睛和鼻子英语作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 在我脸上的两个部位是“尖”的,你想知道是哪两个部位吗吗? The two parts of my face are "sharp". Do you want to know which two parts are? ——眼睛。一天中午,我和爸爸在怡乐村等车。突然,我看见一辆橙白相间的车。“264车来了!”我叫了一声,站了半天的爸爸说:“你有会在骗人吧”“不会的,不信你仔细看一看?”爸爸看了看,说:“真的。你的眼睛就像鹰眼一样。”因为我的眼睛视力非常好,许多人都说我的眼睛像鹰眼。 ——Eyes. One day at noon, my father and I were waiting for the bus in Yile village. Suddenly, I saw an orange and white car. "Here comes car 264!" I called, standing for a long time, my father said, "you'll cheat me, right?" no, I don't believe you'll take a close look Dad looked and said, "really. Your eyes are like eagle eyes. " Because my eyesight is very good, many people say that my eyes are like hawk's eyes. ——鼻子。一天早上,我嗅到了香味。“今天早上一定吃花卷。”我说。这时,妈妈走过来惊奇地问:“你怎么知道的?”我十分认真地说:“因为我闻到了花卷的香味。” ——Nose. One morning, I smelled the fragrance. "I'll have some rolls this morning." I said. At this time, my mother came up and asked in surprise, "how do you know?" I said very seriously, "because I smell the fragrance of the roll." 我就是我脸上的两个部位——眼睛和鼻子。 I am the two parts of my face - eyes and nose. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/5fbb48007075a417866fb84ae45c3b3567ecddea.html