闭上眼用英文怎么说 推荐文章 月亮河(MoonRiver)的英文歌词带翻译 热度: 超好听经典英文歌词 热度: 英文经典歌曲的中英文歌词 热度: 六十首英文歌分享给你 热度: 英文歌词带翻译-WeAreYoung 热度: 你知道闭上眼用英文怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 闭上眼英语说法: close one's eyes 闭上眼英语例句: 我醉得很厉害,我不愿闭上眼睛,因为一闭上眼睛,就会感到房间旋转个不停。 I was very drunk and I did not want to shut my eyes because the room would go round and round. 我亲爱的朋友,闭上眼,让河水带你回家。 My dear friend, close your eyes and let the waters take you home. 每次你闭上眼你都会听到,不是吗? You can hear it every time you close your eyes, can't you? 闭上眼,眼前一片漆黑,我看不见我的未来。 Closing my eyes, it is so dark. I cannot see my future. 在承受严重压力时,他会闭上眼,开始哼唱曲子。 In moments of severe stress, he would close his eyes and start humming. 我想闭上眼,就看不见最肮脏的世间。 I want to close your eyes, and can't see the most dirty world. 或者更好的是,闭上眼集中精力与你的呼吸。 Or better yet, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. 所以他闭上眼假装又睡着了。 So he closes his eyes and pretends to sleep. 我重又闭上眼,看到了曾经滋生我那荒谬的爱的房子呈现在眼前,先是连翘,然后是渐渐掘起的房子。 I closed my eyes again and saw the house where I had once foolishly lovedrise up before me, resurrecting itself by degrees, the forsythias first. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ce97f43f5a0102020740be1e650e52ea5518ce23.html