試論唐詩中的品茗情境 摘要 本文從環境、人境、藝境和心境四個層面闡述唐詩中所呈現的品茗情境,綜合來看唐代文人的品茗環境,不論是在建築物中進行或於戶外進行,都講究以氣氛寧靜、景致幽野清雅、符合茶性(或與品茶旨趣相符)為主,並選擇富於文學意蘊能表現文人獨特品格的植物作為陪襯,不論是一人獨飲、兩人對啜或三人以上之茶會,各有其特色與優點。唐代藝術之發達,文人莫不酷好,琴棋書畫歌舞或是內在本質與茶性相通、或是藝術旨趣與品茗相符,則與飲茶結合可添茶境之幽靜深邃、可增飲茶之情趣與美感、或助益茶會氣氛之融洽歡樂,因此,唐代文人乃自然而然地將品茗與琴棋書畫歌舞等藝術連繫起來。至於品茗的心境則強調貴在閒適、虛靜,讓自己真正融入茶的世界,品味茶湯的真味、感受自然的美妙、享受閒暇的輕鬆,進而收修身養性之益也。當然,以上四者實際是互為一體、交相影響的。通過以上之考察,不僅可以發現唐代文人對於品茗情境的用心經營,同時也得知唐以下文人乃至於現代吾人營造品茗情境之構想多源自唐代;雖然,後世對品茶情境的經營也不斷地有所創新,甚或超越唐人之處,不過唐代文人對品茗情境的經營畢竟啟發了後人,也作了絕佳的示範,這是不容忽視的歷史貢獻。 關鍵詞:茶、茶詩、唐代茶詩、品茗情境 Tea Drinking Atmosphere Presented in Tang Poetry Abstract In this research paper, we discuss four elements of tea-drinking in Tang poetry – surroundings, social environment, artscape, and personal emotion. Tang scholars believe that one should only drink tea in peaceful and gracious surroundings. Tea-drinking can be done either indoors or outdoors. The artscape should contain abundant plants to express the tea-drinking scholar’s personal emotions. The Tang Dynasty was prosperous and art flourished during this era. Tang scholars were talented in music, chess, calligraphy, painting, singing and dancing. The artistic talents of these scholars are associated with the distinctive features of tea, and their interest in art is expressed in tea tasting. By combining the drinking of tea with art, a pleasant sense of serenity permeates the tea-drinker’s social environment. Not surprisingly, Tang scholars regarded tea drinking as an artistic activity, like making music, playing chess, writing calligraphy, painting, singing and dancing. The personal emotions experienced by the tea-drinking scholar enabled him to be at one with the world. Through tea drinking, Tang scholars tasted the flavor of tea, felt the wonders of nature, enjoyed the freedom of a leisured life, and deepened their self-cultivation. These four elements - surroundings, social environment, artscape, and personal emotion - were considered as a single entity in tea-drinking. We found out Tang scholars diligently constructed the tea drinking atmosphere. Later generations have continued to improve, even surpass, their achievements in this area. Still, Tang scholars made a great contribution in the evolution of tea-drinking, by being the first to deliberately construct a tea drinking atmosphere, and in the process inspire their successors. We should respect their significant contribution to this key aspect of Chinese history and culture. Key words: tea, tea poetry, tea poetry in the Tang Dynasty, tea drinking atmosphere 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/5fdb79b6f524ccbff12184d6.html