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. 做自己用英语怎么说 Be Myself

Be Myself其他意思还有:别找我麻烦,做我自己。 .拓展资料

Be Myself的用法、Don't try to mimic anybody. You have to be yourself if you are going to do your best

不要试图仿效任何人,要是你想做到最好,就得做你自己。 2Stop putting on an act and be yourself 别端着,自然一点。

3Just so long as you be yourself. 只要展现你的本色就行了。

4Be yourself and the right people will love the real you. 做你自己,那个对的人会喜欢那个真正的你。

5You can not strive to be above nature, and still be yourself. 你不能力争在自然之上,而同时依然是你自己。 6Why should you always be yourself? 为什么你要一直做自己?

7Be yourself, but be your best self. 做你自己,但是要做你最好的自己。 8Solution: Be yourself, not your job. 解决之道:做你自己,而不是你的工作。 .其他

做你自己 Be Yourself ; Just be yourself ; Hold your own ; Come as you are

就做你自己 Just the Way You Are ; Just be yourself ; To do it yourself

只想做我自己 I just want to do ; Just wanted to be myself 要做你自己 And hold your own

做回自己 Be Who We Are ; Be on your own ; So back to their own ; Be yourself

永远做我自己 Toujours Moi 想做返自己 wanna be your true self

我会做我自己 I do my own ; I will do my own
