我长大了英语日记带翻译 我长大了英语日记带翻译 今天,我拿着作文本走进房间,不知道今天的日记怎么写。 Today, I came into the room with my position book. I don't know how to write my diary today. 我想:今天早上,我去上英语课的时候,妈妈在洗衣服,等我上完英语,妈妈还在清扫卫生。 I think: this morning, when I went to English class, my mother was washing clothes. When I finished my English, my mother was still cleaning. 既然不会写,就帮做些事情吧! Since you can't write, do something for you! 我看见房间里的被子乱糟糟的,我就把被子叠好,一看,我的床整齐多了。我看了看椅子上的衣服,心想:被子是整齐了,可是椅子上的.衣服还是乱七八糟的呀!于是,我就把衣服叠好,放在椅子上,接着,我把书放进了书柜,看着我的房间经过我的劳动变得整整齐齐,干干净净,我真快乐。 When I saw that the quilts in the room were in a mess, I folded them. At first sight, my bed was much more tidy. I looked at the clothes on the chair and thought: the quilts are tidy, but the clothes on the chair are still in a mess! So I folded the clothes and put them on the chair. Then I put the books in the bookcase and watched my room bee neat and clean after my work. I was so happy. 妈妈也夸我长大了。 My mother also praised me for growing up. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/61cb0c517cd5360cba1aa8114431b90d6c8589da.html