小学三年级英语日记带翻译 小学三年级英语日记带翻译 今年暑假,我终于学会了骑自行车,那可不容易哦! This summer vacation, I finally learned to ride a bike, that is not easy! 那天,我坐上座位开始骑车了,可是自行车龙头总是左摇右晃的',一点儿都不听我的使唤。没办法,爸爸只好帮我按住了车龙头,这才稳定一些。就这样,练了好久后,我控制车龙头的情况才有所好转。于是,爸爸放掉了双手,只扶住了车尾。我歪歪扭扭地向前骑着,慢慢地,越骑越顺了,为此,心中不禁暗暗得意。忽然,爸爸说:“你自己会骑了,我己经把手放掉了,你不是也骑得挺好吗?”我一听,心中一紧张,“啪”地一声连人带车,重重地摔了下来。紧接着,膝盖上传来一阵疼痛,我一看,膝盖摔破了,鲜血流了下来。我痛得哇哇大哭,边哭边说:“自行车这么难学,我不学了。”这时,妈妈走了过来,意味深长地说:“孩子,凡事都不是一帆风顺的,要坚持下去,不能半途而废啊!”听了妈妈的话,我若有所思:对呀,蜘蛛在风中织网的画面在眼前浮现,要持之以恒。于是,我擦干了眼泪,擦去了鲜血,又站了起来,扶起了自行车继续练习,继续摔,继续练…… That day, I sat in my seat and began to ride, but the bicycle faucet always swayed from left to right, and 第 1 页 共 3 页 didn't listen to me at all. No way, Dad had to help me hold down the faucet, which is more stable. In this way, after a long time of practice, the situation that I control the car faucet has improved. So Dad let go of his hands and held on to the back of the car. I rode forward, slowly, more and more smoothly. For this reason, I couldn't help feeling proud. All of a sudden, dad said, "you can ride. I've released my hand. Aren't you good at riding?" As soon as I heard it, I was so nervous that I fell down heavily with my car and people. Then, there was a pain in the knee. I saw that the knee broke and the blood flowed down. I cried in pain and said, "it's so hard to learn bicycles. I won't learn them." At this time, the mother came over and said meaningfully: "my child, everything is not smooth, we should stick to it, not give up halfway!" Listen to my mother's words, I think: Yes, the spider weaving in the wind in the screen in front of the emergence, to persevere. So I dried my tears, wiped off my blood, stood up again, picked up my bike, continued to practice, continued to fall, continued to practice. 第 2 页 共 3 页 后来,我总算学会了骑自行车。通过这件事,我明白了做任何事都要持之以恒,不能半途而废。 Later, I finally learned to ride a bike. Through this matter, I have learned that we should persevere in doing anything and not give up halfway. 第 3 页 共 3 页 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/8e7baa81f5ec4afe04a1b0717fd5360cbb1a8ddd.html