courses 选修课程 dialogue 1 Mary: Hello! Wbat are you studying? 玛丽:你在学什么呢? Splnto: Economic dcvclopmcnt. 经济学。 M: Oh yeah? How long is the course? 这门课要学多久啊? S: One year. It's a postgraduate diploma. -年.这是研究生课程. M: What would you like to do at the end of it? Have you made up your mind yet? 完了你想做什么呢?有想法吗? S:Yes I'd like to bc a United Nation's project coordinator. 我想到美国做工程设计. M: Oh, would you? That sounds interesting. Tell me though, wby did you choose thisuniversity? 是吗?蛮有意思的.为什么选择这个学校呢? S: It's got a great rcputation in the field of economics. 它在经济学领域很有名. M: Where are you from? 你来自哪个国家? S: Brazil. 巴西. M: Oh, that's a country that I ajways wanted to visit. What do you do in your span:timc? 是吗?我一直都想去那里呢。你业余时间都傲什么呢? S: I go to the cinema quite a lot. 我经常去看电影 M: Ycs. You are Mr. Spindo, aren't you? I got your name on my list here. 你是斯品多先生吗?我在名单上找到了你的名字 , dialogue 2 M: Oh. you finisherd listing your study prefercnces? 你选完了是吗? S: Yes, I have. 选完了. 第 1 页 M: Good. So, which is your top choiee? 你的选课单上 ,哪门课排第一位? S: Me,dicine. In my country, that certainly has great prestige. 医学课.我们那里医生很有名. M: I scc. Which susscct did you put last then? 明白了.那你选课单上 ,哪门课捧最后一位瞩? S: Oh.history. 历史. M: That's interesting. Could you give any reasons for your choice? Can you capIain why do you put medicine first? 有意思.你能说明J下理由吗?比方说 ,为什么你把医学捧在第一位啊? S: Well, doctors arc such an important job. I m wIl your health is the most imponant thing you'vc got, isn't it? I want to be important and belp people. 好吧.医生这个职业很重要 ,不是吗?我是说 ,健康是我们所拥有的最重要的财富 ,不是吗? M: Yes. I supposc so. 我想是的。 第 2 页 本文来源: