英文足球励志名言 1、我自己认为,我是最出色的,压根就不需要金球奖来证明我是世界第一。 I think I'm the best. I don't need the Golden Globe to prove that I'm the first in the world. 2、进球时我不会庆祝,因为进球就是我的工作。邮差送信,又何尝庆祝过呢? I don't celebrate when I score because it's my job to score. How did the mailman celebrate delivering letters? 3、在足球场上不能有敌人。我没有伤过任何人。场上是对手,场下是朋友。 There can be no enemies on the football field. I didn't hurt anyone. On the court is an opponent, off the court is a friend. 4、我太高兴了,皇马现在将有两个帅哥了。在这支如此丑的球队里,我一直感到孤独。 I'm so happy that Real Madrid will have two handsome guys now. I always feel lonely in such an ugly team. 5、直到遇到足球,我的人生彻底改变,我很记得我第一个足球的样子,在我心里,它就像一颗糖果。 Until I met football, my life changed completely. I remember my first football. In my heart, it was like a candy. 6、足球是圆的,什么结果都能踢出来。 Football is round and can be played with any result. 7、一个足球队就像一部机器,只有每个部件都运转起来,才能收到最大的效果。 A football team is like a machine. Only when every part of the team runs can it get the most effect. 8、当你去超级市场购物,那个收钱的女人也在想,‘失误的守门员’,这种滋味是不好受的。 When you go shopping in the supermarket, the woman who collects money also thinks,'Faulty goalkeeper'. It's not good. 9、足球拯救了一个原本是罪犯的我,我从没想过花一天的时间都放在工作上,因为我不知道怎么做。 Football saved me from being a criminal. I never wanted to spend a day at work because I didn't know how to do it. 10、在足球场上不能有敌人我的足球是以速度为基础,充分利用我的双脚和脑袋,靠真正的技术去取胜。 There can be no enemy in football field. My football is based on speed, making full use of my feet and head, and relying on real technology to win. 11、小时候你进了很多球,然后你变得麻木了,于是成了一个门将。 When you were a kid, you scored a lot of goals, then you became numb and became a goalkeeper. 12、中国足球之所以永远上不去,就是永远不承认外人先进的大脑,而只管 --来源网络整理,仅供学习参考 亲吻亲戚的屁股。 The reason why Chinese football can never go up is that it never acknowledges the advanced brain of foreigners, but only kisses relatives'buttocks. 13、失却这些伟大的白色灵魂,圣地亚哥伯纳乌也不过是普通的足球场。 Losing these great white souls, San Diego's Bernau is nothing more than an ordinary football field. 14、有些人把足球等同与生死,我对此深表失望。我敢向你保证足球远远、远远地超越生死。 I am deeply disappointed that some people equate football with life and death. I can assure you that football goes far beyond life and death. 15、我所有的一切,我也要把我的一切献给足球。 All I have, I will dedicate all I have to football. 16、无缘世界杯让我失望,世界杯在足坛有什么意义。 I'm disappointed that I missed the World Cup. What's the significance of the World Cup in football? --来源网络整理,仅供学习参考 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/6208a87433b765ce0508763231126edb6f1a7677.html