
时间:2023-05-08 20:05:38 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
1.地球上的五个气候带: 热带the Tropical Zone

北温带the North Temperate Zone(我国大部分领土处在北温带内) 南温带the South Temperate Zone 北寒带the North Frigid Zone 南寒带the South Frigid Zone


亚热带the Zub-Tropical Zone

寒温带the Frigid-Temperate Zone 等等

热带雨林气候Tropical Moist/Rainforest Climates 大陆性气候 Continental Climates

温带海洋气候Temperate-Maritime Climate 季风性气候Monsoon Climate

低纬度气候Low-latitude Climates 有:Wet-Dry Tropical Climates Dry Tropical Climate Tropical Moist Climates

中纬度气候Mid-latitude Climates

有:Mediterranean Climate (地中海型气候)

Dry Midlatitude Climates (干燥地中海型气候) Moist Continental Climate (湿润地中海型气候) 高纬度气候High-latitude climates

有:Boreal forest Climate (北部森林气候) Tundra Climate 苔原气候 Highland Climate 高地气候 2 大陆性气候:Continental climate

温带海洋气候:Temperate zone marine climate 热带雨林气候:Tropical rainforest climate 热带草原气候:Savannah climate

热带荒漠气候:Tropical climate desertification 地中海式气候:Mediterranean climate 热带海洋性气候:Tropical marine climate 温带海洋性气候:Temperate marine climate 温带季风气候:Temperate monsoon climate

亚热带季风气候: Subtropical monsoon climate

温带大陆性湿润气候:Humid temperate continental climate 亚热带湿润气候:Subtropical humid climate

温带大陆性气候:Temperate continental climate 1赤道地区--全年高温多雨;

Equatorial regions - year-round high-temperature much rain


Tropical monsoon climate - year high temperature, the wet summer 3热带草原地区--全年高温,雨季多雨;

Tropical grassland area - year-round high temperature, monsoon much rain 4热带沙漠地区--全年高温少雨;

Tropical desert regions - year-round high-temperature little rain 5亚热带季风去--夏季高温多雨,冬季温和少雨;

Subtropical monsoon - high temperature summer more rain, winters are mild little rain


Temperate monsoon - rain hot during the same period 7地中海地区--夏季高温少雨,冬季温和多雨;

The Mediterranean region - high temperature summer little rain, winters are mild much rain


Temperate mainland area - summer mild more rain, cold in the winter dry 9温带海洋地区--全年温和,降水均匀;

Temperate regions - mild in the ocean, precipitation evenly 10极低气候地区--全年寒冷干燥。

Extremely low climate region - year-round cold and dry

rainy snowysunshine阳光明媚cloudy多云foggy多雾cat and dog冰雹 thunderstorm雷雨闪电 lightning high wind 大风

2.rain 雨、下雨 2.wet 多雨的 3.drizzle 毛毛雨 4.shower 阵雨 5.storm 风雨 6.thunderstorm 雷雨 7.hail 8 freeze 结冰 9.frost 结霜 10.fog 11.mist 薄雾 12.breath 微风 13. gale 大风 14.hurricane 飓风 15. typhoon台风 16. tornado 龙卷风 17.close 闷热 18. thunder 打雷 sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, snowy, wet,flurry, shower, typhoon, moderate, foggy

暴风雨天气wild weather.天气雷达weather radar天气过程weather process 天气谚语weather lore天气报告weather advisory坏天气villainous weather 坏天气vile weather寒冷天气shivery weather好天气propitious weather 天气weather晴天sunshine fine多云cloudy阴天overcast sky cloudy sky

小雨flurry spit sprinkle中雨middle rain大雨drencher ding-on downfall soak spate

暴雨rainstorm阵风flatus flurry gust微风breeze breath breathing breezee gentle breeze台风typhoon龙卷风cyclone tornadobrume fog mist reekgrue sonwfrost hoarfrost冰雹hail hailstone

meteorology 气象学atmosphere 大气climate 气候elements 自然力量( ) temperature 气温to be warm, to be hot 天气热to be cold 天气冷season 季节spring summer autumn (美作:fall)winter frost hail 冰雹snow thunder

wind mist cloud haze rain downpour, shower 暴雨storm,
