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蝴蝶是一种漂亮的昆虫,它常常飘舞着花丛中。下面是我为大家细心整理的关于描写蝴蝶的英语文学校,盼望能够关心到你们。 一只美丽的蝴蝶

Look!Thats a beautiful insect. It is butterfly. It has got a head, a long body and six legs. !那有一只美丽的昆虫。它是蝴蝶。它有一个脑袋、一个长长的身体,还有六条腿。 Its wings are colorful. They are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink and many other colours. It can fly in the sky.

蝴蝶的翅膀是彩色的,有红色、橙色、黄色、绿色、蓝色、紫色、粉色以及其它很多颜色。 蝴蝶可以在天空飞行。

Some butterflies are kind to people, but some butterflies are harmful. 有些蝴蝶是益虫,而有些是害虫。 Do you like butterflies?

你喜爱蝴蝶吗? 蝴蝶

Butterfly, commonly known as Butterfly, the whole world there are about 14,000 species, most of which lies in the Americas, particularly in the Amazon most varieties in the world in addition to other regions outside the polar cold zone, are distributed in Asia, Chinese Taiwan is also well-known to a wide variety of butterflies. General colorful butterflies, the wings and body there are various piebald head rod or a pair of hammer-like tentacles. The largest butterfly wings up to 24 centimeters, and the youngest is only 1.6 centimeters. Large Butterfly very interesting, special someone to collect all kinds of butterfly specimens in the Americas butterfly movement and Bird Watching, become an activity that attracted many participants. There are many types of butterflies, fruits, agriculture and the main pests.

蝶,通称为"蝴蝶',全世界大约有14000余种,大部分分布在美洲,尤其在亚马逊河流域品种最多,在世界橙尖粉蝶(Anthocharis cardamines)其他地区除了南北极寒冷地带以外,都有分布,在亚洲,中国台湾也以蝴蝶品种繁多闻名。蝴蝶一般颜色艳丽,翅膀和身体有各种花斑,头部有一对棒状或锤状触角。最大的蝴蝶展翅可达24厘米,最小的只有1.6厘米。大型蝴蝶特别引人留意,特地有人收集各种蝴蝶标本,在美洲"观蝶'迁徙和"观鸟'一样,成为一种活动,吸引很多人参与。有很多种类的蝴蝶是农业和果木的主要害虫 蝴蝶

Butterflies, known as the butterfly, Arthropoda, Insecta, Lepidoptera, hammer corner suborder of animals collectively. There are approximately more than 14,000 kinds, most in the Americas, especially the largest species in the Amazon basin. China has 1200 kinds. colorful butterflies, who have a lot of stripes, rich colors, a variety of wings and body spotted, the largest butterfly wings up to 28 to 30 centimeters, the smallest of only 0.7 centimeters. butterflies and moths the main difference is the butterfly head with a pair of rod-shaped or hammer-like tentacles, moth antennae diverse in shape.

蝶,通称为"蝴蝶,节肢动物门、昆虫纲、鳞翅目、锤角亚目动物的统称。全世界大约 14000 多种,大部分分布在美洲,尤其在亚马逊河流域品种最多。中国有 1200 种。蝴蝶一般颜色艳丽,身上有好多条纹,颜色较丰富,翅膀和身体有各种花斑,最大的蝴蝶展翅可达2830厘米左右,最小的只有 0.7 厘米左右。蝴蝶和蛾类的主要区分是蝴蝶头部有一对棒状或锤状触角,蛾的触角外形多样。
