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9A Unit 6 TV programmes》教学(jiāo xué)设计

课题 课型

Integrated skills


主备人 课时





2.通过听录音获取新信息,并能通过合理猜测完成听力练习。 3.用已获取的材料的关键词汇和信息来完成报告。



要点 教学难用已获取的材料的关键词汇和信息来完成报告。

教学法指导 Task based method 准备



Preview the new words and phrases of this period 1. interview sb. 2.view habits

3.be different from each other 4.adj 蠢笨,傻 5.a waste of time


Task 1Presentation

1. Say: Weve learnt about different types of TV programmmes in this unit. Today were going to talk about TV viewing habits. Then ask:

What TV programmes do you like or dislike? Whats your favourite programme? Why?

How much time do you spend watching TV every week?

2. Say: Would you like to know the TV viewing habits of some students at SunshineMiddle School? Millie wants to interview three students about their TV viewing habits. Before the interviews, she has written down what she knew about the students. Lets read the information in Part A1 and help the students to guess their favoriteTVprogramme(s).

What favoriteTVprogramme(s) Millie

Name Grade knows

about them



Read Part A1 and focus on the following questions.

1. What’re their names?

2. Which clubs are they in?


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Art Club, loves playing

Anita 7

with her cat at home

Football Team, a very

Philip 8

good football player Drama Club

Sam 9

likes acting

Task 2Listening

1Millie is interviewing the students. Listen carefully and help her complete the notes in Part A 2 on page 87. 2Millie is writing a draft report on the interviews. Listen again and try to help her complete the report in Part A3 on page 88 with the information on page 87. 3After finishing the exercises ,check the answer and read together.

Task 3Discussion

Work in pairs with your partner to talk about Anitas,

Philips and Sams favourite programmes and the reasons.

Task 4Presentation

1、Listen to the recording and answer the questions (1) Does Millie think TV ads are interesting? (2) Why does Millie think so?

(3) Does Simon agree with Millie? Why or why not? 2Listen again and read after the tape. 3Read freely and act out the dialogue. 4Make a new dialogue. Name ______________

Likes programmes about:____________ Reason: _______________

Dislikes programmes about: ____________ Reason: _______________

Name of favourite programme: _______________ Time spent watching TV every day: ______________ 三、当堂评估

Talk about your favourite programmes freely. 1. I like … I don’t like …


listening,ask students to read the exercises carefully and try to guess some


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2. I’m not interested in …

3. I find … very interesting / boring. 4. … is very funny.

5. … is the best programme on TV. 6. … is dull.

7. … is the worst programme on TV. 四、课后延展

Interview your friends, teachers orfamilymembers about their favourite TVprogrammes, then write a report about it.

Integrated skills

1. I like … I don’t like …

2. I’m not interested in …

3. I find … very interesting / boring.

4. … is very funny.

5. … is the best programme on TV.

6. … is dull.


1)《9A Unit 6 TV programmes》教学设计

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