2014年清华大学丘成桐精英培训中心数学夏令营 主讲教授简介 (一)Dmitry Kleinbock教授: Yale University博士毕业,现任Brandeis University数学系教授。 主要研究领域:动力系统、遍历理论和数论。 所获奖项和荣誉: 1. Dynamics on Parameter Spaces Grant from US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (2011); 2. Dynamics on Parameter Spaces Grant from US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (2005) ; 3. NSF CAREER Grant DMS-0239463 (2003 - 2008) ; 4. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship Award (2001 - 2003) ; 5. E.D. Bergmann Memorial Award (2001 - 2004) ; 6. Alfred P. Sloan Graduate Dissertation Fellowship (1995 - 1996) ; 7. J. F. Edwards Research Grant (Yale) (1995 - 1996) 。 Dmitry Kleinbock教授的个人主页:http://people.brandeis.edu/~kleinboc/ (二)Bong Lian教授: Yale University博士毕业,现任Brandeis University数学系教授。 主要研究领域:表示论、卡拉比-丘几何、弦理论。 所获奖项和荣誉: 1. Chern Prize (ICCM 2013 Taipei) (2013) ; 2. Plenary speaker at the 2013 International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (Taipei) (2013) ; 3. President of International Science Foundation of Cambridge (2009) ; 4. Guggenheim Fellowship (2004 - 2003) ; 5. Sloan Graduate Dissertation Fellowship (1990) ; 6. Scientific committee member Asian Mathematics Congress 2005 (1989 - 1990) ;Secretary of the Int'l Science Foundation of Cambridge (1988 - 1989) ; 7. Scientific committee member of International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (1983) 。 Bong Lian教授的个人主页:http://people.brandeis.edu/~lian/ (三)Michael Zieve教授: University of California at Berkeley博士毕业,现任University of Michigan数学系教授,2013-2014学年在清华大学数学科学中心担任访问教授。 主要研究领域:代数、数论、代数几何和动力系统等。 所获奖项和荣誉: 1. AMS-Simons Travel Grants Committee (2011-2014); 2. Simons Foundation Collaboration Grants Review Committee (2013); 3. NSF Grant Review Panelist (2010, 2011, 2012); 4. Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt fur Mathematik, SIAM Review;Referee for various journals and NSF, NSA, and NSERC grant proposals (refereed 98 papers since 2008)。 Michael Zieve教授的个人主页:http://www.math.lsa.umich.edu/~zieve/ 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/681503e61711cc7931b716a7.html