双语资源:看全球各地如何过圣诞 圣诞节是从外国传入中国的,对绝大部分中国人来说,过圣诞不过是一种消费时尚,不过在外国,圣诞节却是一年中最重要的节日,来看看各国是如何过圣诞节的吧! 法国 法国圣诞有一个传统是做“圣诞柴蛋糕”。 There is popular French tradition involves making a cake that looks like a traditional Yule log, known as buche de Noel. 德国 很多地方都装饰有“降临节花环”。花环上有四只蜡烛。四只都被点燃时就意味着圣诞节到了。 Many are decorated with a wreath “Adventskranz.” These wreaths have four candles which are all lighted when Christmas comes. 日本 自从肯德基于1974年在日本推出“圣诞餐”以来,“圣诞节吃圣诞餐”已经成为日本的习俗。 Kentucky Fried Chicken has been customary in Japan ever since 1974. 乌克兰 乌克兰人会在树上藏一个蜘蛛网装饰物,据说这能够为找到它的人带来好运。 Ukrainians hide a spider web ornament on their tree and it is supposed to be good luck for the person who finds it. 希腊 传说圣诞节期间会有小妖精从房子的壁炉钻进来,所以希腊人在圣诞期间白天和夜晚都会燃着炉火。 Legend has it that goblins will enter the house through the fireplace, fires are left burning all day and night during Christmas. 西班牙 人们会“喂食”一块原木。在平安夜,他们会用棍子敲这块原木,让木头中的糖果掉出来。 Families “feed” a little log. On Christmas Eve, the family hits the log with a stick to release sweet treats. 委内瑞拉 委内瑞拉人在圣诞那天早上穿着滑冰鞋去教堂做弥撒。 Venezuelans go to church in roller skates early on Christmas Day. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/68c3bfc401d8ce2f0066f5335a8102d277a26140.html