天经地义的反义词是什么 现代汉语反义词在修辞上具有很重要的作用。反义词的正确辨析与熟练掌握、运用,可以充分发挥词语的表义功能,提高我们运用语言的能力.新学期即将来临,童鞋们将又面临一轮的复习,以下是店铺收集整理的关于天经地义的反义词,希望对你有用! 天经地义 相关的反义词: 天理难容岂有此理 中文解释 【解释】:经:规范,原则;义:正理。天地间历久不变的常道。指绝对正确,不能改变的道理。也指理所当然的事。 【出自】:《左传·昭公二十五年》:“夫礼,天之经也,地之义也,民之行也。” 【示例】:学好科学文化知识是每个学生~的事。 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、宾语、主语、定语;含褒义 英文解释 (be regarded) as unalterable principles;an unquestionable moral truth;as having the sanction of Heaven as revealed to reason;perfectly justified;God's truth ; 例句 我想见你不是天经地义嘛? Isn't it only natural I'd wanta relationship with you? 你要照顾你年迈的父母是天经地义的事情。 Of course you should take goog care of you old parents. 但在时装发布会的前台,每位模特因为穿了高跟鞋,身高堪比篮球队员,要求她们直视观众而不能仰看观众下巴实属天经地义而且是必须如此。 But in the front row of a catwalk presentation, where everyone else has been elevated to basketball player height because of theboots they are wearing, the need to look into people's eyes instead of up at their chin seems completely rational and imperative. 那些知道何时需要感恩、需要谦卑的有责任感的孩子(而不是认为一切都天经地义的孩子)才能够更好地在大学这个“社会性鱼群”中畅游。 Kids with a sense of responsibility, not entitlement, who know when to experience gratitude and humility, will be better at navigatingthe social shoals of college. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/68fdc703ccc789eb172ded630b1c59eef9c79a76.html