冬奥会谷爱凌或奖日记100字 惊心动魄的镜头 著有“双奥”之称的北京正举办着“第二奥”,冬奥。冬奥有许多项目,越野花式滑冰、花样滑冰、短道速滑。 可是令我念念不忘。印象深刻的,还是自由式滑雪女子大跳台项目中谷爱凌最后1620"。 生在异国他乡的谷爱凌,有一位伟大的母亲,叫谷燕。她从小培育出谷爱凌一颗爱国的心和对运动的热爱。其中最具有代表性的,就是滑雪。 她用3年时间学完4年课程,得到录取通知书后来到北京训练。这些努力,都是为了参加北京冬奥会准备的。 就在前几天,女子自由式滑雪大跳台总决赛,第三跳时,谷爱凌选择了一个似乎无法达到的难度,1620。 她淡定地站在起点,呼了一口气,活动了一下肩膀。重心前倾,就滑下了高台。风“嗤嗤”刮过耳边,雪沫子从滑雪板后面扬起。谷爱凌吸了一大口气,飞到了空中,帅气地转了四圈半,就是人们口中的“1620”,倒着身子,降落在斜坡上,把住重心,胸脯此起彼伏。 谷爱凌的这一跳超越了自我,超越了他人,还超越了历史;她这一跳打破了女子自由式滑雪大跳台的历史:这一跳,她放弃银铜牌,冒险为中国争金牌。 谷爱凌的这一跳常常浮现在我的眼前,诉说着中华血统的勇敢与强大。 英译: Thrilling scenes. Beijing, known as the "double Olympics", is hosting the "second Olympics", the Winter Olympics. There are many events in the Winter Olympics, including cross-country skating, figure skating and short track speed skating. But I will never forget it. Impressive, or freestyle skiing women's platform event, Zhonggu Ailing's final "1620". Gu ailing, who was born in a foreign country, has a great mother named Gu Yan.She cultivated Gu Ailing's patriotism and love of sports since childhood. One of the most representative is skiing. She spent three years studying the four-year course, got the admission notice, and then went to Beijing for training. All these efforts are in preparation for participating in the Beijing Winter Olympics. Just a few days ago, in the women's Freestyle Ski platform finals, Gu ailing chose a difficulty that seemed impossible to achieve in the 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/692df333b868a98271fe910ef12d2af90342a85a.html