from random import choice cava_numbers = range(0,20) cavas = [] for i in cava_numbers: cavas.append([]) unvisited_cavas = range(0,20) visited_cavas = [0] unvisited_cavas.remove(0) while unvisited_cavas != []: i = choice(visited_cavas) if len(cavas[i])>=3: continue next_cava = choice(unvisited_cavas) cavas[i].append(next_cava) cavas[next_cava].append(i) visited_cavas.append(next_cava) unvisited_cavas.remove(next_cava) for i in cava_numbers: while len(cavas[i])<3: passage_to = choice(cava_numbers) cavas[i].append(passage_to) print '------------------------------------' wumpus_location = choice(cava_numbers) player_location = choice(cava_numbers) while player_location==wumpus_location: player_location=choice(cava_numbers) print "Welcome to Hunt the Wumpus!" print "You can see",len(cava_numbers),"cavas" print "To play,just type the number" print "of the cava you wish to enter next" while True: print "You are in cava",player_location print "From here,you can see three cavas:",cavas[player_location] if wumpus_location in cavas[player_location]: print "I smell a Wumpus" print "Which cava next?" player_input = raw_input(">") if (not player_input.isdigit() or int(player_input) not in cavas[player_location]): print player_input,"?" print "That's not a direction that i can see" else: player_location=int(player_input) if player_location==wumpus_location: print "Aargh! You got esten by a Wumpus!" break 本文来源: