# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import simpleguitk as simplegui import random # 载入外部图像 baymax = simplegui.load_image("http://mooc.xjau.edu.cn/c4x/XJAU/CS101/asset/baymax.jpg") # 定义常量 # 画布的尺寸 WIDTH = 600 HEIGHT = WIDTH + 100 # 图像块的边长 IMAGE_SIZE = WIDTH / 3 # 图像块坐标列表 all_coordinates = [[IMAGE_SIZE*0.5, IMAGE_SIZE*0.5], [IMAGE_SIZE*1.5, IMAGE_SIZE*0.5], [IMAGE_SIZE*2.5, IMAGE_SIZE*0.5], [IMAGE_SIZE*0.5, IMAGE_SIZE*1.5], [IMAGE_SIZE*1.5, IMAGE_SIZE*1.5], [IMAGE_SIZE*2.5, IMAGE_SIZE*1.5], [IMAGE_SIZE*0.5, IMAGE_SIZE*2.5], [IMAGE_SIZE*1.5, IMAGE_SIZE*2.5], None] # 棋盘行列数 ROWS = 3 COLS = 3 # 移动步数 steps = 0 # 保存所有图像块的列表 board = [[None, None, None], [None, None, None], [None, None, None]] # 图像块类 class Square: def __init__(self, coordinate): self.center = coordinate def draw(self, canvas, board_pos): canvas.draw_image(baymax, self.center, [IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE],[(board_pos[1]+0.5)*IMAGE_SIZE, (board_pos[0]+0.5)*IMAGE_SIZE], [IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE]) # 初始化拼图板 def init_board(): # 打乱图像块坐标 random.shuffle(all_coordinates) # 填充拼图板 for i in range(ROWS): for j in range(COLS): idx = i * ROWS + j square_center = all_coordinates[idx] if square_center is None: board[i][j] = None else: board[i][j] = Square(square_center) # 重置游戏 def play_game(): global steps steps = 0 init_board() # 绘制游戏界面各元素 def draw(canvas): # 画黑框 canvas.draw_polygon([[0, 0], [WIDTH, 0], [WIDTH, WIDTH], [0, WIDTH]], 1, 'Black') # 画目标图像 canvas.draw_image(baymax, [WIDTH/2, WIDTH/2], [WIDTH, WIDTH], [50, WIDTH+50], [98, 98]) # 画步数 canvas.draw_text("步数:"+str(steps), [400, 680], 22, "White") # 画图像块 # 代码写在这里 for i in range(ROWS): for j in range(COLS): if board[i][j] is not None: board[i][j].draw(canvas, [i, j]) def mouseclick(pos): global steps # 将点击位置换算成拼图板上的坐标 r = int(pos[1] // IMAGE_SIZE) c = int(pos[0] // IMAGE_SIZE) if r < 3 and c < 3: # 点击位置在拼图板内才移动图片 if board[r][c] is None: # 点到空位置上什么也不移动 return else: # 依次检查当前图像块的上,下,左,右是否有空位置,如果有就移动当前图像块 # 代码写在这里 current_square = board[r][c] if r - 1 >= 0 and board[r-1][c] is None: # 判断上面 board[r][c] = None board[r-1][c] = current_square steps += 1 elif c + 1 <= 2 and board[r][c+1] is None: # 判断右面 board[r][c] = None board[r][c+1] = current_square steps += 1 elif r + 1 <= 2 and board[r+1][c] is None: # 判断下面 board[r][c] = None board[r+1][c] = current_square steps += 1 elif c - 1 >= 0 and board[r][c-1] is None: # 判断左面 board[r][c] = None board[r][c-1] = current_square steps += 1 # 创建框架 frame = simplegui.create_frame("拼图", WIDTH, HEIGHT) frame.set_canvas_background("Black") frame.set_draw_handler(draw) frame.add_button("重新开始", play_game, 60) # 注册鼠标事件 frame.set_mouseclick_handler(mouseclick) # 初始化游戏 play_game() # 启动框架 frame.start() 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e77c04ee5a8102d276a22ffd.html