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高中英语强调句型练习 30 题及答案详解

1. It ____ Mike and Mary who helped the old man several days ago. A. was B. are C. were D. had been 2. It was not until 1920 ____ regular radio broadcasts began. A. which B. when C. that D. since

3. She said she would go and she _______ go. A. didn ' t B. did C. really D. would

4. It was the training ____ he had as a young man ____ made him such a good engineer. A. what; that B. that; what C. that; which D. which; that

5. Were all three people in the car injured in the accident? No, _____ only the two passengers who got hurt.

A. there were B. it were C. there was D. it was

6. It was not until 1936___baseball became a regular part of Olympic Games. A. then B. which C. that D. when

7. ___in 1943___the harmful smog made its appearance in Los Angeles. A. Only thatB.lt was thenC. That it was whenD.lt was that 8. It was on the National Day___ she met with her separated sister. A. that B. where C. when D. which 9. ___the 1500's___the first European explored the coast of California. A. lt was until …… thenB. lt was not until when C. It is until ....... thatD. It was not until ........ that

10. ___in this room that our first meeting was held. A. Just when B. When C. Where D. It was 11. It was last night ___ I see the comet. A. the time B. when C. that D. which 12. It was only with the help of the local guide __________ .

A. was the mountain climber rescued B. that the mountain climber was rescued

C. when the mountain climber was rescued D. then the mountain climber was rescued 13. The Foreign Minister said, ____________ our hope that the two sides will work peace.

A. This is B. There is C. That D. It is 14Was _____ that I saw last night at the concert? A. it you B. not you C. you D. that yourself 15It was ____ he said ____ disappointed me.

A. what, that B. that, that C. what, what D. that, what 16It was with great joy he received the news that his lost daughter had been found. Abecause A. no

18It was

B which


D that

't like watching television much.

17. It is _____ any wonder that his friend doesn


B. such C. nearly D. hardly

back home after the experiment.

B until midnight that he didn

' t go ' t go

A not until midnight did he go

Cnot until midnight that he went D until midnight when he didn A. when, on

B. that, on

C. when, in

D. that, in

19Was it in 1969 _____ the American astronaut succeeded ____ landing on the moon?


20. It is these poisonous products ____________ can cause the symptoms of the flu, such as headache and aching muscles. A. who B. that C. how D. what 21It is the ability to do the job ______ matters not where you come from or what you are.A. one B. that C. what D. it

22. It was not until 1920 ____ regular radio broadcasts began. A. while B. which C. that D. since 23. ___ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. A. There B. This C. That D. It

24. It was only with the help of the local guide _________ .

A. was the mountain climber rescued B. that the mountain climber was rescued

C. when the mountain climber was rescued D. then the mountain climber was rescued 25. Who was it ____ put so many large stones on the road? A. this B. that C. he D. she 26. What a silly mistake it is ___ you ' ve made! A. it B. this C. that D. which 27. It was the boy ___ had been in prison ____ stole the money. A. who, where B. that, how C. who, that D. that, which 28. Why was __ that the old woman was sent to prison? A. he B. it C. that D. what

29. It was when she was about to go to bed ___ the telephone rang. 30. It may have been at Christmas ____ John gave Mary a handbag. A. before

B. who C. that

D. when

It is/was +被强调成分+that/who…”构成。由于 It is/was +被强调成分+that/who…”构成。当被 that

强调句 30 题的答案与解析

1. A本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由 中的动作是发生在过去,故选 A 2. C。本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由

and 连接两个并列谓语,其形式应一致,故用过

强调部分指人时,用 who,当被强调部分指物时,用 3. B。在谓语动词前加 do表示对动作的强调。 去时态。

4. A。此题考查的强调句型中包含一个定语从句。 training that

A. since B. as C. that

5. D。本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由“ 6. C。本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由“ 强调的是时间。

7. D。本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由“

What 引导的定语从句,修饰被强调部分


D. then it is/was +

it is/was

被强调成分 ”构成。 +that/who +that/who …”构成。+ 被强调成分本句

it is/was

+ 被强调成分 +that/who …”构成。本句


8. A。本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由“ 调的是时间。

9. D。本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由“

本句 it is/was + 被强调成分 +that/who …”构成。

强调的是时间。 not until …意为“直到……才”

it is/was 10. D 。本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由“ 被强调成分 +that/who …”构成。本句 +


+that/who ”构成。本句强 it is/was + 被强调成分

it is/was 11. C。本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由“

+ 强调的是时间。

12. B。本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由"

被强调成分 +that/who …”构成。本句

it is/was + 被强调成分+that/who…”构成。


13. D。本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由" it is/was + 被强调成分+that/who…”构成。

Is/Was +被强调部分


14. A。此题考查的是强调句的一般疑问句式。强调句的一般疑问句式是“ +that …”。

15. A。此题考查的强调句中包含一个主语从句。 引导的从句构成强调句中的真正主语。


16. D。本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由“ it is/was + 被强调成分+that/who…”构成。本句 强调的是伴随状语。

17. D。此句是一个强调句。根据题意“他的朋友不怎么喜欢看电视”可知这并没有什么可奇怪 的,故排除BCno后直接加名词相当于 notany +名词,可排除 A。故选D

18. C。本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由“ it is/was + 被强调成分+that/who…”构成。本题 强调的是时间。 not until 意为“直到……才”, not 一般放在 until 之前。 19. D。此题考查的是强调句的一般疑问句式。强调句的一般疑问句式是“ +that …”。 succeed in doing sth. 意为“成功做某事”。 20. B 。本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由“ 21. B 。本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由“ 22. C 。本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由“

Is/Was +被强调部分 +that/who +that/who



23. D 。本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由“

it is/was + 被强调成


it is/was +

被强调成it is/was +

”构成。 ”构成。 ”构成。此题


it is/was + 被强调成

It +that/who …”构成。

被强调成+that/who 24. B 。本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由“ it is/was +

25 . B •此题考查的是强调句的特殊疑问句形句中仍然用 that 引导从句。

式。 。此题考查的是强调句的特殊疑问句形式。句中仍然用 that 引导从句。 26. C 27. C。此题考查的强调句中含有一个定语从句。 从句。

28. B 。此题考查的是强调句的特殊疑问句形式。 29. C 本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由“ 调的是时间。

30. C 本题考查的是强调句式。强调句式由“ 调的是时间。

it 在此作为形式主语,真正的主语是 that 从句。 It is/was + 被强调成分+that/who…”构成。此句 It is/was + 被强调成分+that/who…”构成。此句

that 引导的从句构成强调句中的真正的主语。当被强调部分是人时,可以用


Who引导的定语从句修饰被强调部分 the boy ,

that who 来引导

