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范文大全 - 让每个人平等地提升自我


Confucius (551 479 .) is one of the most famous Chinese people. As the founder of Confucianism1, his thought has exerted a deep influence on China and its people. But Confucius was not his real name. It was a courtesy title, a Latinized form of Kong Fuzi, meaning Master Kong. His family name was Kong and his given name, Qiu. And he styled himself Zhongni. He was born at Zouyi, the State of Lu2.


As one of the greatest thinkers and educators in the history of China, Confucius legacy lies in the following three aspects: Firstly, he compiled and preserved the literary works, The Six Classics, including Shi3, Shu4, Li5, Yue6, Yi 7 and Chun Qiu8 , which are regarded as the classics of Confucianism. The accomplishment makes a large impact on the succession and development of the traditional Chinese culture.


Secondly, Confucius built up a system of philosophical thoughts with Ren as its basic virtue. This virtue is the central theme of his Analects9. He considered Ren as the first and highest criterion of mans behavior and the core of morality. Ren meant to love other mento help others to be established when one wished to be established oneself; and help others to be 1

范文大全 - 让每个人平等地提升自我

successful when one wished to be successful oneself. Confucius concept of Li refers to a set of ritual and musical systems, with the hierarchical system as its core. Ren and Li are complementary: Li is the exterior principle of Ren while Ren is Lis intrinsic guiding power. To accomplish Ren, one must abide by Li, and Ren will be naturally generated in the process of practicing Li. Fundamentally, the purpose of Confucius’ Li is to restore the traditional rites of the Zhou Dynasty11.

第二,建立了一套以“仁”为核心的思想体系,这集中体现在《论语》一书中。 他认为“仁”是人的最高道德境界,是道德的核心内容。“仁”就是“爱人”夫仁者,己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人孔子也讲“礼”,礼是礼乐制度,核心内容是等级制度。礼与仁互为表里,礼是仁的外在规则,仁是礼的内在指导因素。要达到仁,必先合乎礼,在反复实践礼的过程中自然会产生仁。孔子讲“仁”的目的是维护和恢复周礼。

Thirdly, Confucius established private schools, creating a scientific educational system.. Confucius also held the idea that everyone should be educated regardless of his social status. In educational practice, he created flexible teaching methods, promoting the combination of learning and thinking, learning and reviewing as well as teaching and learning. He emphasized on individualized and heuristic teaching . These ideas are still of great significance in practice today.


exert v. 运用,施加

[例句 1] He exerted all his authority to make them accept the plan. 他利用他的所有权力让他们接受这个计划。

[例句 2] The moon exerts a force on the earth that causes the tides. 月球对地球的吸引力引起潮汐。 succession n. 继承

[例句 1] He became chairman in succession to Bernard Allen.


[例句 2] Shes third on order of succession to the throne.


hierarchical adj. 分层的,等级制度的 [例句] Japan is a hierarchical society.


heuristic adj. (教学或教育)启发式的

[例句] Confucius taught his students in a heuristic way.


1. Confucianism:

The teachings of Confucius emphasizing love for humanity; high value given to learning, family (including ancestors), peace and justice, influencing the traditional culture of China 孔子思想,儒家思想 2. Shi:

The Book of Songs 《诗》 3. Shu:

Collection of Ancient Texts 《书》 2

范文大全 - 让每个人平等地提升自我

4. Li:

The Rites 《礼》 5. Yue:

The Music 《乐》 6. Yi:

The Book of Changes 《易》 7. Chun Qiu:

The Spring and Autumn Annuals 《春秋》 8. Ren:

Benevolence 《仁》 9. Analects:

Also known as the Analects of Confucius, are considered a record of the words and acts of the central Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius and his disciples, as well as the discussions they held. Written during the Spring and Autumn Period through the Warring States Period, the Analects is the representative work of Confucianism and continues to have a tremendous influence on Chinese and East Asian thought and values today. 《论语》是记录孔子及其弟子言行的书。写于春秋战国时期。论语是儒家思想的代表作并对中国及东南亚地区思想及价值观产生巨大的影响。

