保护自然用英语怎么说 每个人都应该有保护自然的意识,那么你知道保护自然用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。 保护自然英语说法1: conservation of nature 保护自然英语说法2: protect nature 保护自然英语说法3: Natural protection 保护自然英语例句: 当然,游客在这里是学习如何保护自然资源。 And for us, it is all about learning about conserving natural resources. 一直以来,人们都认为计划生育政策会缓解就业市场的压力,同时保护自然资源。 The family planning policy has been credited with easing job market pressures and preserving natural resources. 越南的问题是,保护自然还是个新的概念,他说。 The problem in Vietnam is that conservation is a new way of thinking, he said. 当然当代的共和党(包括总统候选人罗姆尼在内)转而反对保护自然资源。 Of course, the modern Republican Party, including candidate Mitt Romney, has turned against conservation. 众所周知,我们应该保护自然资源。 It is known to all that we should conserve natural resources. 有大量关于它的讨论,以及去保护自然的努力,保护动物,保护鸟类,保护鲸鱼,保护海豚,清理被污染的河流,湖泊,绿地等等。 There is a great deal of talk and endeavour to protect nature, the animals, the birds, the whales and dolphins, to clean the polluted rivers, the lakes, the green fields and so on. 另一个是自然保护,保护自然的廊道使野生动物可以通过; The green ways usually have a corridor where you should not be there because it's a natural area. 如果孩子们在年幼的时候发现了自然的美,他们长大了就会尊重自然,保护自然。 If children discover the beauty of nature while they are young, they will respect nature and try to preserve it when they are older. 不认识自然,你如何能够保护自然? How can you protect nature if you do not know it? 保护自然生态环境是全球各国的重要任务,而保护海洋和海洋生物亦是香港政府的重要职责。 With the state of the natural habitat an important concern around the world, looking after our seas and marine life has become a significant public duty. 通过保护自然,保护我们自己。 By protecting nature, we protect ourselves. 每年在国际保护自然与自然资源联合会的红色清单上,像大鳄鱼这样的爬行动物正变得更濒临灭绝。 Reptiles such as the gharial are becoming more prominent on the IUCN's Red List each year. 保护机构美国一个旨在保护自然资源与野生动植物的事业机构 An organization dedicated to the conservation of wildlife and wildlife habitats in the United States. 我们提出自然的审美,目的之一也要是保护自然。 As a result, the aesthetics of nature we are advocating may serve the conservation of nature as well. 作为家庭养鱼池中的宠物,印尼邦盖梳萝鱼的名声使得它进入2007年国际保护自然与自然资源联合会的红色清单。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/713dc231a11614791711cc7931b765ce05087a77.html