八年级英语上册 Unit 2 School Life单元教学计划 牛津版 教案

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Unit 2 School Life单元教学计划


1. Different words with the same meaning in British English and American English.

2. School lives in different countries. 3. paring the amount of things. 4. parative and superlative adverbs.

5. paring different schools by listening and speaking 6. The suffix ly

7. Writing about ones ideal school 二、本单元教学要求:

1. To ask Ss to remember different words with the same meanings. 2. To get Ss to read about something about school lives in different countries.

3. To help Ss to pare the amount of things.

4. To get Ss to use parative and superlative adverbs correctly. 5. To get Ss to form adverbs by adding the suffix ly. 6. To help Ss to write about their ideal school. 三、本单元教学重点、难点: 1. paring the amount of things. 2. parative and superlative adverbs. 3. The suffix ly and the usage of adverbs.

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4. Writing about ones school life.


1. ic strip & wele to the unit 1 period; 6. Self-assessment 1 period 2. ReadingSchool lives 2 periods; 3. Grammar 2 periods; 4. Integrated skills 1 period; 5. Task 1 period 五、本单元教学注意点:

1. The differences between paring qualities and amount.

2. Teach Ss how to form an adjective or an adverb by adding the suffix ly to a noun. or to an adjective.

3. The differences between parative and superlative adjectives and parative and superlative adverbs.

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