关于向白衣天使致敬的英语作文带翻译 关于向白衣天使致敬的英语作文带翻译 武汉疫情爆发后,各地支援武汉,勇敢赴前线,遏制疫情! After the outbreak of the epidemic in Wuhan, all regions supported Wuhan and bravely went to the front to contain the epidemic! 在病毒出现的这些日子,每天都会有许多感人的画面出现那些奋战在一线的战士们是他们默默的'工作在岗位上守护着病人的健康,他们放弃了休息放弃了与家人团聚的时间与病毒战斗!虽然他们面临着危险和艰难,但他们依然逆行而上。有的医护连续工作24小时靠在门上就睡着了,他们穿着白色的隔离服一穿就是几个小时,衣服湿透了,脸上眼睛旁出现一道道印迹,每次看到这些我都感动的要哭了! In these days when the virus appears, there are many moving pictures every day. Those soldiers who are fighting in the front line are working silently in their posts to protect the health of patients. They give up rest and give up the time to be reunited with their families to fight with the virus! Although they are facing danger and difficulty, they are still retrograde. Some doctors and nurses fall asleep when they lean on the door for 24 hours. They wear white isolation clothes for several hours. Their clothes are wet. There are traces on their faces beside their eyes. Every time I see these, I am moved to cry! 向奋斗在一线的医护人员致敬!你们辛苦了!是你们的无私奉献换来了无数人的健康!对战胜疫情我们有信心!中国加油武汉加油! Pay homage to the medical staff on the front line! You have worked hard! It is your selfless dedication that brings countless people 's health! We are confident to defeat the epidemic situation! China refueling Wuhan refueling! 加油,白衣天使! Come on, angel in white! 【关于向白衣天使致敬的英语作文带翻译】 1.关于向白衣天使致敬的英语作文3篇 2.2020关于向白衣天使致敬的作文 3.2020关于向白衣天使致敬的作文范文 4.2020年关于向白衣天使致敬的作文 5.致敬白衣天使的英语作文 6.关于最美的白衣天使英语作文带翻译 7.白衣天使英语作文带翻译3篇 8.致敬医护者的的英语作文带翻译 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/72327bf2beeb19e8b8f67c1cfad6195f302be808.html