
时间:2022-03-23 06:38:27 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1. Celebrate your life and live it with passion every day! 为生命喝彩!激情生活每一天! 2. Lets yell out beautiful, practical, and challenging sentences to crack pronunciation!

Lets recite powerful, meaningful and educational passages to become real English masters! Lets master this book to become fluent eloquent and confident English speakers! 3. Eat more fish, less meat. Fish is better for your health.

4. Seeing is believing. I dont believe what I hear, I only believe what I see. 5. Feel free to call me if you need my help! 6. Sweet dreams, see you tomorrow!

7. If you want to speak good English, you need to repeat, repeat , and repeat. This is the only


8. Its my treat this time.这次我请客。

9. Im a cat eager to succeed. I believe in myself.

10. The food here is terrific. I love it. Its out of this world.天下一绝 11. I need to discuss it with my superiors(领导。 12. Im sick of this weather.

Im sick of this traffic Im sick of my job

Im sick of my poor English Im sick of waiting Im sick of you

Im sick of your complaining Im sick of your nagging(唠叨 Im sick of your whining(牢骚

13. Im an important cat. I finish a lot of business every day! 14. Breakfast is ready. Eat it before it get cold. 15. When will it be ready?

16. Well, lets get everything ready!

17. Every day in every way, everything is getting better and better!

18. We should never let our country down, we must get ready for the future! 19. Please be my guest and have a seat.别客气,请坐

20. You are our special guest. Lets have a toast to our friendship! 您是我们的特别贵宾,让我们


21. Treasure every breath, treasure life. Treasure your good health.. Treasure everything important

in life.

22. Im an energetic person. Im ready to get going anytime.

23. Thats fantastic. Thats absolutely fantastic.太棒了,简直太棒了! 24. Thats a bad sentence. People may get mad if you say that.

25. I have to call you back. Im busy now.我回头打给你吧,我现在很忙。 26. I cant your bad habits.

27. Every moment in life matters. Live in the moment.生命中每一刻都很重要,活在当下!

28. Grab every chance to practice English. Practice is the only secret to success! 抓住每次机会! 29. Whats up?怎么了? Nothing much.没什么 30. Dont rush me.别催我。

31. How can you eat so much? Thats disgusting.

32. Enough is enough, just shut up.够了,行了,闭嘴 33. Something must be done about it.必须采取措施了

34. Im sorry I have to change our plan. Something has come up.发生了一些情况

35. If you want to double your income, you must double your effort.要想收入加倍,努力必须先


36. You can always turn to me for help. Im always here for you!

37. Can I ask you a personal question? Its OK if you dont want to answer. 38. The more you learn, the more you will earn. This is the truth of life. 39. No wonder you speak perfect English,难怪。 40. Your effort is worth it.

41. Sorry to bother you, but I have a question. 抱歉打扰你,我有个问题要问你 42. Never stop trying. Never give up. Never say impossible to yourself!

43. I love China. China is an amazing (了不起)country! China is the future of the world. 44. How about eating out tonight? (用于邀请

45. You must practice a sentence again and again until you master it.你必须反复操练一个句子,


46. His spoken English is second to none(首屈一指) in this college. 47. I promise. You have my word( 我向你保证). I wont do it again.

48. Think positive thoughts. Speak positive words. 持正面的思想,说积极的话

49. ……is my top priority. Im giving it my full attention.--------是我最优先考虑的问题,我要全


50. We must stop harming the environment and work harder to take care of the Earth. 51. Its not your fault. Its all my fault. Im to blame. 应该怪我

52. The fall of Berlin Wall marked the dawn of new era in European history. 53. Can I have some more? This soup is really good.

54. I wasnt born yesterday(我不是三岁小孩子). Dont try to trick me.

55. Are you ready to order, or would you like to look at the menu for a little longer? 56. I got a perfect score on my last English test.

57. Good English will open the door to a great future.打开未来之门 58. He pushed his chair back and stood up. (他把椅子往后挪了挪

59. You have to put your foot down.你必须坚持立场,拿定主意,坚决反对 60. He is full of bullshit. =He brags all the time. =He is full of nonsense. 61. I have something really cool to show you.

62. Ill be back soon. Please wait for a few minutes.

63. Its our duty to reduce pollution and protect our environment

64. All students want the opportunity to go to the university. Thats why they choose to work so


65. I feel so blue. I dont know what to do.

66. I enjoy speaking English! I enjoy losing face! I enjoy being successful! 67. He is a very loyal and capable employee.

68. Be bold. Have hope. You will go far.

69. Never doubt about yourself! Self-doubt will bring you down. 70. Im all ears. = Im very eager to hear what you have to say.

71. We are near the end of the year. Its time for happiness and cheer. 72. I sincerely apologize to you. Its all my fault.

73. Dry your tears. Cheer up! This experience will make you stronger.

74. Where is the bathroom? = Where is the restroom? = Where is the toilet? 75. We all share the same Earth. We should all care about the environment.

76. What cant be cured must be endured. = If you cant change something, you must bear it


77. He came from a poor family and grew up in a poor area of Beijing. 78. Be a friend. Be polite. Be kind. Be nice. Be the best person you can be. 79. The time limit for the exam is tow hours.

80. Id like to donate my one months salary to the Hope Project.

81. Your future depends on your hard work and devotion.努力工作,献身精神 82. Be confident, be courageous, be courteous, be caring, be kind. 83. Dad gives Mom a goodbye kiss every morning.

84. Let go of your anger, let go of your fear, let go of your doubt.放下愤怒,忘记恐惧,不要怀


85. Lets pay the bill fifty- fifty.

86. He is very vague about what he wants to do after university. 87. Dont be nervous. Just relax. Sit down for a minute.

88. The purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be unselfish, to be understanding, and

to be successful.

89. The teacher dismissed the class early because she had a meeting.一早就让同学们下课 90. Never lose confidence. Never lose hope. Never stop pursuing your dreams. 91. Im under a lot of pressure recently. 92. English is worth your effort.

93. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

94. I need to improve my time management. My life is a mess.

95. Those drunken men were singing and shouting, no giving any thoughts to the noise they were


96. Live and learn. Life can teach you a lot of lessons.

97. I slept very soundly. I slept very deeply. I slept like a baby.

98. Ladies and Gentlemen:, last but not last, lets welcome Li Yang to give us an earthshaking


99. Our trip to America was very fruitful and unforgettable. 100. A little pill may well cure a great ill.

101. You are welcome to use the library whenever you want.

102. Just give a try. You never know what you can do until you try.
