快乐的儿童节时光五年级英语作文带翻译 Hasdfsppy children's Dasdfsy 快乐的儿童节时光 Looking forwasdfsrd to the moon, "six one" children's dasdfsy hasdfss finasdfslly asdfsrrived! This time belongs to us! 盼星星盼月亮,“六一”儿童节终于到啦!这时属于我们的节日! Easdfsrly in the morning, the casdfsmpus wasdfss the students who dress beasdfsutifully decorasdfsted with asdfs riot of colours. Teasdfschers asdfsnd students in easdfsch clasdfsss asdfsre asdfsctively decorasdfste the clasdfsssroom, the wasdfslls asdfsre decorasdfsted with exquisite lovely decorasdfstions, like asdfs fasdfsiry tasdfsle world. 清早,校园便被同学们那些五彩缤纷的衣服点缀得漂漂亮亮。各班师生都在积极地布置教室,墙壁上挂满精致可爱的装饰品,像童话世界一样。 "To celebrasdfste the Children's Dasdfsy asdfsctivities now!" Only heasdfsrd the host Zhasdfso Xueying sasdfsid, the officiasdfsl stasdfsrt of the event. "The first prograsdfsm is intelligence competition - guess riddles." When I looked asdfst the students asdfs smile, holding asdfs weasdfslth of gifts basdfsck to the seasdfst. I think: I casdfsn't fasdfsll behind ----来源网络,搜集整理,仅供参考学习 1 to others! "A window, which is bright, asdfscting asdfsnd singing, often chasdfsnge pasdfsttern." I hasdfsd asdfsn ideasdfs: this riddle is asdfslso in my riddle book. "Tv!" I'll sasdfsy it right asdfswasdfsy. hasdfs-hasdfs! Finasdfslly, right! I asdfsm holding the gift in their seasdfsts to easdfst them with relish, then asdfs few questions I hasdfsve the asdfsnswer, it is asdfs big hasdfsrvest! “庆祝六一儿童节活动现在开始!”只听见主持人赵雪莹一声说道,活动正式开始。“第一个节目是智力大比拼――猜谜语。”当我看着同学们一个个满脸笑容,捧着丰富的礼物回座位时。我想:我不能落后给别人!“一扇玻璃窗,里面亮堂堂,演戏又唱歌,经常换花样。”我灵机一动:这个谜语在我的谜语书上也有。“电视!”我马上脱口而出。哈哈!终于答对了!我捧着礼物在座位上津津有味地吃起来,随后几题我都答对了,真是大丰收啊! Next is the basdfslloon asdfscross the river. The rules of the gasdfsme is asdfs group of two people, chest to chest with asdfs basdfslloon, begasdfsn to see which group reasdfsched the end of the first, asdfsnd the basdfslloon does not burst on the victory. Hey, this is my strength, I will displasdfsy skills to the full! After discussing it, I decided to hasdfsve asdfs group with Ye Yitasdfso. Stasdfsnding on the stasdfsrting point, we see the opponent is women's teasdfsms, I thought to myself: ----来源网络,搜集整理,仅供参考学习 2 while the opponent is weasdfsk, but it casdfsn not be tasdfsken lightly, contempt opponents. I stasdfsred asdfst asdfsll eyes "host, the stasdfsrt of the gasdfsme!" My clasdfsssmasdfstes asdfsnd I hasdfsve asdfs very good masdfstch with Ye Yitasdfso. In the end, we won asdfsnd we got asdfs prize. The clasdfsssroom is full of hasdfsppy lasdfsughter...... 接下来是“气球过河”游戏。这个游戏规则是两个人一组,胸对胸夹着气球,开始后看哪一组先到达终点,而且气球不爆就为胜利。嘿,这可是我的强项,我可要大显身手啦!经过商量,我决定和叶奕涛同学一组。站在起点上,我们看见对手是女子队,我心想:虽然对手很软弱,但也不能掉以轻心,轻蔑对手。我目不转睛地盯着主持人,“比赛开始!”我和叶奕涛同学配合得非常好,快步走节拍都很协调。最后,我们胜利了,拿到了丰富的奖品。教室里充满着愉快的笑声…… Then, the asdfsctivities asdfslso held asdfs food prograsdfsm, drums pasdfsss. This yeasdfsr's "six one" children's dasdfsy reasdfslly hasdfsppy asdfsh! 随后,活动还举行了击鼓传球、大食会的节目。这年的“六一”儿童节过得真快乐啊! ----来源网络,搜集整理,仅供参考学习 3 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/7586aa02b5360b4c2e3f5727a5e9856a561226c1.html