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Today it's only the exceedingly famous who are known by just one name , but even Sting(史仃) , Cher (雪儿)and Madonna(麦当娜) started life with a surname . In England alone there are around 45,000 different surnames . But prior to 1000 AD in Britain , everyone was known by the given name only , or perhaps there nickname . Different areas of the world adopted surnames at different periods in time . The Chinese were among the first people to use family names to honour their parents from about 2800 BC , In Europe ,the Romans started calling people by their given name and family name in Latin from 300 BC , but it wasn't common practice throughout Europe until the 10th or 11th century , when first , the lords and gentry , then middle-class citizens , and finally everyone used surnames . The necessity for surnames arose when the population began to grow .Suddenly there was more than one person with the same name in a village , so surnames were used . Generally , these surnames were not handed down to the next generation , but after the fall of the Roman Empire , Ireland was one of the first countries to adopt hereditary surnames , and Irish surnames are found as early as the 10th century . As communities grew ,it became necessary to identify residents more specifically with a name which referred to a dominant feature such as a physical attribute , an occupation ,or a place of origin . This led to names like John the Butcher ,William the Short , Henry from Sutton , Mary of the Wood ,and Roger , son of Richard . After the Norman Conquest of England , the new rulers ( from Normandy in north France ) of the realm obliged people to adopt fixed surnames for administrative reasons ,as a form of registration for the census and for taxation . Gradually , most Saxon and Celtic names vanished ( Oslaf , Oswald , Oswin -Os meaning God ), and we see names like Carpenter , Thatcher ,Cook and Baker , Hill , Forest . Any man who left his home and moved to another part of the country would be called by the place where he came from , eg John of York , and other immigrants from Ireland ,Highland Scotland and Wales ( when it became part of Great Britain in 1536 ) adopted the English system of surnames . Surnames from places were most common . In fact , more than half of English surnames today derive from geographic descriptions : Bedford , Berkley , Hampshire could have been names given to people who migrated from these places to live and work elsewhere , or may have been the names of the landowners where they lived . A name ending in -man or -er usually suggests a trade or occupation , although as the spelling was only fixed in the 19th century , they often look different from the original word , for example , Latimer meaning translator , and Jenner , enginer . Personal or moral qualities generated names as well : Good , Goodchild ,Thoroughgood , and Blake. Many surnames come from someone's relationship with another , such as Williamson . This naming pattern between a father and his heirs can be seen clearly in Sweden , where each successive would be the son of Peter ,and Hans Peterson's son would be called Jan Hanson .(On the female side , the daughter of Hans would be called Hansdotter ) The Norman French added Fitz- to mean child of Partrick . The Irish used O' , as in O'Brien , the Dutch used van ( van Buren ) , the French used de (de Gaulle ) , Arabic speakers used ibn (ibn Saud ) and the scottish used Mac (MacDonald) . Nest time you feel like a hamburger , try asking for a "son of Big Donald " , pleased-a big Mac . A historic event , such as invasion by a foreign power , has often had an effect on surnames ,especially when the official language of the newly-created colony was changed . This is particularly noticeable in regions of Central and Eastern Europe , where the borders and the language used within them have changed several times over recent years . When the English invaded Ireland in the 1660s . and English became the legal language , Gaelic names were anglicized or translated into English . It's often possible for Westerners to recognize the nationality or origin of people by their names , but this is much more difficult for Asians to do . There are as many rules about this as there are names but we can suggest some very general guidelines about given names . Basically , if a given name ends in -e or -a , it may be a woman's name . If it ends in a consonant , it's probably a man's name . If a name ends in -e , -tte , or -elle ( Marie , Yvette or Isabelle ) , it probably belongs to a French woman . Remember also that many French woman's names are the male version with the additional -e . If a name ends in -a , it's likely to be an Italian or , less likely , a Spanish or Russian name ( Maria , Alessandra ; Ana , Juliana ; Olga , Natalya ) .But there are of course exceptions for men's names , such as Pierre and Claude ( French). A name ending in -os or -is probably belongs to a Greek male , for example , Spyros , Ioannis . Names ending in -ch and -fried suggest very often German men , such as Friedrich , Gottfried . Names ending with -o are likely to be Italian or Spanish (Alessandro , Antonio , Carlo and Diego , Francisco and Gonzalo ) . Complicated ? Well , in the UK and the US , a significant proportion of the population comprises a substantial number of immigrants over several generations , where given names and surnames from different origins are combines by people marring outside their ethnic group . So immigration and intermarriage complicate the situation hugely ,and it becomes very difficult to say with total certainty what nationality someone is , only perhaps where their families originally came from . 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/7586d756767f5acfa1c7cdac.html